We're talking serious jail time here


Will work for Scooby snacks
If this is true - transfering, firing, hiring civil servants and DOJ laywers based on thier personal politics - somebody is going to jail. It's illegal to politicize the civil service. At DOJ, or anywhere else.

Superfreak, May 2007: "This is much ado about nothing. There was NO politiciation of DOJ!"

Political Hiring in Justice Division Probed

By Carol D. Leonnig
Washington Post Staff Writer

Karen Stevens, Tovah Calderon and Teresa Kwong had a lot in common. They had good performance ratings as career lawyers in the Justice Department's civil rights division. And they were minority women transferred out of their jobs two years ago -- over the objections of their immediate supervisors -- by Bradley Schlozman, then the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights.

Schlozman ordered supervisors to tell the women that they had performance problems or that the office was overstaffed. But one lawyer, Conor Dugan, told colleagues that the recent Bush appointee had confided that his real motive was to "make room for some good Americans" in that high-impact office, according to four lawyers who said they heard the account from Dugan.

In another politically tinged conversation recounted by former colleagues, Schlozman asked a supervisor if a career lawyer who had voted for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a onetime political rival of President Bush, could still be trusted.

Schlozman has acknowledged in sworn congressional testimony that he had boasted of hiring Republicans and conservatives, but he denied taking improper actions against the division's career officials. That account was challenged by six officials in the division who said in interviews that they either overhead him making brazen political remarks about career employees or witnessed him making personnel decisions with apparent political motivation.

Schlozman's efforts to hire political conservatives for career jobs throughout the division are now being examined as part of a wide-ranging investigation of the Bush administration's alleged politicization of the Justice Department. The department's inspector general and Office of Professional Responsibility confirmed last month that their inquiry, begun in March, will look at hiring, firing and legal-case decisions in the division

I read this this morning. From what I can make out, if you voted for John McCain in the 2000 primaries, you are not a "good American" and are highly suspect as a person.

I wonder if there is even enough time left in this adminstration for all of the trials and imprisonments that should happen.
I read this this morning. From what I can make out, if you voted for John McCain in the 2000 primaries, you are not a "good American" and are highly suspect as a person.

I wonder if there is even enough time left in this adminstration for all of the trials and imprisonments that should happen.

Hey Darla!

As someone who does believe in the nontangiable, the unbeliveable to some! :)

I am beginning to believe that some sort of aweful supernatural force is "working" in some way, as a bubble of protection for these blatent criminals, this Lawlessness crowd that seems to pay no consequences for their own lawlessness and for their 'crafty deceitfulness!!!


Hey Darla!

As someone who does believe in the nontangiable, the unbeliveable to some! :)

I am beginning to believe that some sort of aweful supernatural force is "working" in some way, as a bubble of protection for these blatent criminals, this Lawlessness crowd that seems to pay no consequences for their own lawlessness and for their 'crafty deceitfulness!!!



Cheney and Rove have that Sith Lord effect.
Hey Darla!

As someone who does believe in the nontangiable, the unbeliveable to some! :)

I am beginning to believe that some sort of aweful supernatural force is "working" in some way, as a bubble of protection for these blatent criminals, this Lawlessness crowd that seems to pay no consequences for their own lawlessness and for their 'crafty deceitfulness!!!



Well, I tend to believe that people who have been used to acting as they wish to, and not facing any consequences, eventually get too cocky and end up getting into some big trouble.

Also, on a personal level, people I have known who are hateful and do hateful things with no thought to the effects on other people, have miserable lives.

None of these people are happy, and we all answer for our actions eventually, and in one way or the other.
Hey Darla!

As someone who does believe in the nontangiable, the unbeliveable to some! :)

I am beginning to believe that some sort of aweful supernatural force is "working" in some way, as a bubble of protection for these blatent criminals, this Lawlessness crowd that seems to pay no consequences for their own lawlessness and for their 'crafty deceitfulness!!!



am beginning to believe that some sort of aweful supernatural force is "working" in some way, as a bubble of protection for these blatent criminals

Care, I respect your belief in the supernatural and the divine ;). But there is no supernatural bubble protecting Bush and Cheney. It was a bubble of sorts: It was called the 108th and 109th Congresses. They refused to do oversight, and turned a blind eye to everything. The chose to be a rubber stamp.

Also, our media sucks. Then don't do investigative journalism anymore.
guess we dems have to have our share of dumbassess too.
Clinton fired all of them for their politics.
Open your mouth and extract your leg.:clink: