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When I was young I used to love watching the "Brady Bunch" on TV after school. :):)

I used to think myself: "So this is what America is actually like"; if so, then Yankee society has a lot in common with ours in Australia. It is made up mainly of White nuclear families where the mom and dad are married. Americans must think it is a good thing to live in a family home the 'burbs; that it is good for kids to do what they are told by their parents, in terms of things like doing your chores and your homework from school; being respectful of your mom and, and the law and the authorities in your community/broader society. That was much the same as in Australia.

The "Brady Bunch" episodes were filmed between 1969 and 1974 from memory; and they ended up being extremely popular in America (and not just with kids, but with adults as well).

It's weird to think how today, in 2023, the Biden Junta would regard the "Brady Bunch" episodes as pure, "White supremacist" propaganda; and the Brady parents as representing covert domestic terrorists (Mike and Carol both had "SEMTEX", AK-47s and a shit-load of ammo stored in their garage). In fact the Junta's current DOJ does actually unleash FBI SWAT teams on white nuclear families living in the 'burbs. Lasy year in Pennsylvania, for example, Mark Huaocc and his wife and children were raided by a SWAT team of 25 heavily-armed FBI agents at 5:00 am in the morning. They thumped loudly on his front door after arriving, and when he opened the door he found there were 6 ArmaLite M-16 rifles pointed directly at his head. His crime? Being a Catholic who was offering counselling for women outside abortion clinics. Then we have the Junta AG - "honest" Merrick, siccing the FBI onto harmless, white suburban, middle- class parents. Why? Because they had been reported for voicing their objections at local School Board meetings, to having their kids indoctrinated with the core principles of CRT during their lessons at school ( CRT is simply anti-White racist Marxism). These parents were interrogated and given a permanent FBI file. This is an example of using terror to chill the First Amentment rights of any other would-be "racist", White trouble-makers from the 'burbs who might be tempted to speak out against the Junta's "racial justice" policies.

It's almost exactly 50 years since the last "Brady Bunch" episode was filmed - not all that long in terms of history. But today, in 2023, the American government (the "Biden Junta") openly vents its contempt for (and actually threatens) the White American middle-class, suburban, nuclear family and its beliefs and values. The half-hour televised episodes of the "Brady Bunch" apart from being sit-coms, were very often morality tales as well. They would frequently end with a lesson taken from Judeo-Christian morality about how and why it was wrong to break promises or steal things that weren't yours, or tell lies or be selfish, and such like. There is nothing at all Christian about the Biden Junta, however. Its chief officials are all corrupt, lying rats with about as much moral decency and integrity as a lump of "pond scum".They believe that they must create a Marxist-type utopia on Earth, and they are so arrogant and ignorant that they seriously believe they know exactly how to go about this. They believe they are more or less, Gods.

It's a tragic thing that America has gone from the "Brady Bunch" to being more depraved, ugly and crazy than the "Sex Pistols."

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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When I was young I used to love watching the "Brady Bunch" on TV after school. :):)

I used to think myself: "So this is what America is actually like"; if so, then Yankee society has a lot in common with ours in Australia. It is made up mainly of White nuclear families where the mom and dad are married. Americans must think it is a good thing to live in a family home the 'burbs; that it is good for kids to do what they are told by their parents, in terms of things like doing your chores and your homework from school; being respectful of your mom and, and the law and the authorities in your community/broader society. That was much the same as in Australia.

The "Brady Bunch" episodes were filmed between 1969 and 1974 from memory; and they ended up being extremely popular in America (and not just with kids, but with adults as well).

It's weird to think how today, in 2023, the Biden Junta would regard the "Brady Bunch" episodes as pure, "White supremacist" propaganda; and the Brady parents as representing covert domestic terrorists (Mike and Carol both had "SEMTEX", AK-47s and a shit-load of ammo stored in their garage). In fact the Junta's current DOJ does actually unleash FBI SWAT teams on white nuclear families living in the 'burbs. Lasy year in Pennsylvania, for example, Mark Huaocc and his wife and children were raided by a SWAT team of 25 heavily-armed FBI agents at 5:00 am in the morning. They thumped loudly on his front door after arriving, and when he opened the door he found there were 6 ArmaLite M-16 rifles pointed directly at his head. His crime? Being a Catholic who was offering counselling for women outside abortion clinics. Then we have the Junta AG - "honest" Merrick, siccing the FBI onto harmless, white suburban, middle- class parents. Why? Because they had been reported for voicing their objections at local School Board meetings, to having their kids indoctrinated with the core principles of CRT during their lessons at school ( CRT is simply anti-White racist Marxism). These parents were interrogated and given a permanent FBI file. This is an example of using terror to chill the First Amentment rights of any other would-be "racist", White trouble-makers from the 'burbs who might be tempted to speak out against the Junta's "racial justice" policies.

It's almost exactly 50 years since the last "Brady Bunch" episode was filmed - not all that long in terms of history. But today, in 2023, the American government (the "Biden Junta") openly vents its contempt for (and actually threatens) the White American middle-class, suburban, nuclear family and its beliefs and values. The half-hour televised episodes of the "Brady Bunch" apart from being sit-coms, were very often morality tales as well. They would frequently end with a lesson taken from Judeo-Christian morality about how and why it was wrong to break promises or steal things that weren't yours, or tell lies or be selfish, and such like. There is nothing at all Christian about the Biden Junta, however. Its chief officials are all corrupt, lying rats with about as much moral decency and integrity as a lump of "pond scum".They believe that they must create a Marxist-type utopia on Earth, and they are so arrogant and ignorant that they seriously believe they know exactly how to go about this. They believe they are more or less, Gods.

It's a tragic thing that America has gone from the "Brady Bunch" to being more depraved, ugly and crazy than the "Sex Pistols."

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

I used to think myself: "So this is what America is actually like";

Simple minded rube