Wes Clark Editorial


Will work for Scooby snacks
Bingo. I've long thought that treating Al Qaeda as a "War time" enemy, and treating them as enemy combatants or soldiers - rather than criminals - affords them legitimacy and credibility that they would never otherwise have had.

Bin Ladin is thrilled to be put on a par with Hitler or Tojo, and afforded the status of a wartime enemy of the United States.

Why Terrorists Aren’t Soldiers

Wes Clark

Treating terrorists as combatants is a mistake for two reasons. First, it dignifies criminality by according terrorist killers the status of soldiers. Under the law of war, military service members receive several privileges. They are permitted to kill the enemy and are immune from prosecution for doing so. They must, however, carefully distinguish between combatant and civilian and ensure that harm to civilians is limited.

Critics have rightly pointed out that traditional categories of combatant and civilian are muddled in a struggle against terrorists. In a traditional war, combatants and civilians are relatively easy to distinguish. The 9/11 hijackers, by contrast, dressed in ordinary clothes and hid their weapons. They acted not as citizens of Saudi Arabia, an ally of America, but as members of Al Qaeda, a shadowy transnational network. And their prime targets were innocent civilians.

By treating such terrorists as combatants, however, we accord them a mark of respect and dignify their acts. And we undercut our own efforts against them in the process. Al Qaeda represents no state, nor does it carry out any of a state’s responsibilities for the welfare of its citizens. Labeling its members as combatants elevates its cause and gives Al Qaeda an undeserved status.

If we are to defeat terrorists across the globe, we must do everything possible to deny legitimacy to their aims and means, and gain legitimacy for ourselves. As a result, terrorism should be fought first with information exchanges and law enforcement, then with more effective domestic security measures. Only as a last resort should we call on the military and label such activities “war.” The formula for defeating terrorism is well known and time-proven.

Clark has made excellent points; this is perfectly sensible and rational. I knew I liked him!
Anyone who tried to say we shouldn't be at "war" with Al Qaeda, or that we should treat them like criminals instead of enemy combatants or soliders will get swiftboated by the right wing.

Now, I know Clark's not running. He's actually telling some truth to america.
I gave to his campaign in 2004 and still have my Clark for president pin I recieved.

Maybe someone will tap him for VP?
I used to work for him at U.S. Southern Command. He is awesome. Too bad he'll never be president :(

I've read comments before from people who have served under him, including in Europe. With no exceptions everyone has said they'd gladly serve with him again, anytime, anywhere. That's quite an endorsement.
His lame use of playing with labels and language to play on the emotions of his readers and manipulate their perspective views on terrorists and terrorism means nothing .....
Nothing dignifies the terrorists acts of barbarism and no label will change that ....

"Critics have rightly pointed out that traditional categories of combatant and civilian are muddled in a struggle against terrorists"???

Critics being Liberals and in particular Democrats...only they have muddled the issue with their incessant political combat against Bush, and their need to treat the enemy as criminals, is a slap in the face to criminals....

Their goal is to not recognize this "war on terrorists" as real war....

They would rather we 'react' to terror rather than affirmatively act to take the fight to them...and those that give them safe haven...

We are at war with Muslim extremists...the sooner the left recognizes that fact, the sooner we will unite as a country
His lame use of playing with labels and language to play on the emotions of his readers and manipulate their perspective views on terrorists and terrorism means nothing .....
Nothing dignifies the terrorists acts of barbarism and no label will change that ....

"Critics have rightly pointed out that traditional categories of combatant and civilian are muddled in a struggle against terrorists"???

Critics being Liberals and in particular Democrats...only they have muddled the issue with their incessant political combat against Bush, and their need to treat the enemy as criminals, is a slap in the face to criminals....

Their goal is to not recognize this "war on terrorists" as real war....

They would rather we 'react' to terror rather than affirmatively act to take the fight to them...and those that give them safe haven...

We are at war with Muslim extremists...the sooner the left recognizes that fact, the sooner we will unite as a country

Bravo, to bravo, and I am at the point where, I am ready to say, let's put these lefties who do not reconize it, into camps where we can keep an eye on them? What is this sheet, about civil rights, what about my rights, the right not to be skewered by a Muslim in my own grocery store?
Agreed. Instead we will get stuck with the next lame ass the Dems put up... Cause at this point a Rep sure as hell isn't going to win. Things can change, but I think we are stuck with Hitlary.

Of course, here is the so-called not a lefty, lefty SuperFreak, once again cheerleading for a Demorat, which, two days ago I had to give him the cyber skewering of his life, to the point he begged me not to do it again, and there are witnesses? And now, I have left him alone for two days, and here he is again, cheerleading for demorats...another cyber-skewering for the not a lefty lefty SuperFreak, sorry, butt, it had to be done, for your own good?
Bravo, to bravo, and I am at the point where, I am ready to say, let's put these lefties who do not reconize it, into camps where we can keep an eye on them? What is this sheet, about civil rights, what about my rights, the right not to be skewered by a Muslim in my own grocery store?

fear , fear , fear ,fear ,fear ,fear.

Is that all you think of, you are so affraid you would put Americans who dont Fear in camps.

You are certainly not from the home of the brave.
Of course, here is the so-called not a lefty, lefty SuperFreak, once again cheerleading for a Demorat, which, two days ago I had to give him the cyber skewering of his life, to the point he begged me not to do it again, and there are witnesses? And now, I have left him alone for two days, and here he is again, cheerleading for demorats...another cyber-skewering for the not a lefty lefty SuperFreak, sorry, butt, it had to be done, for your own good?

WOW .. I see you really like making love to yourself.

I read your "cyber-shewering" and "lame" came immediately to mind. Not to suggest that you should let what anybody else thinks get in the way of your cyber-mastrubation.

"lefty, lefty, and more lefty" ... You're on the right and you believe that puts you in a position to denigrate those on the left?

WOW .. I see you really like making love to yourself.

I read your "cyber-shewering" and "lame" came immediately to mind. Not to suggest that you should let what anybody else thinks get in the way of your cyber-mastrubation.

"lefty, lefty, and more lefty" ... You're on the right and you believe that puts you in a position to denigrate those on the left?


I will tell you the truth, Black, because you asked, and also I have been drinking heinies? And the answer is, I do like making love to myself, I am the sexiest person that I know? It goes back to when I was a child, I have never been able to keep my hands off myself, it used to perturb my father who asked my mother to speak to me about it, butt, that is when I learned to only do it in private, until, the internets came along and then I was able to go public again? In truth, I have mucho soft skin, and anyone would have a hard time keeping their hands off me, if they got the chance to touch me once, why should I be held to a higher standard? I am sorry if this makes you lefties jealous, what can I say, I was hit with the sexy stick?
I will tell you the truth, Black, because you asked, and also I have been drinking heinies? And the answer is, I do like making love to myself, I am the sexiest person that I know? It goes back to when I was a child, I have never been able to keep my hands off myself, it used to perturb my father who asked my mother to speak to me about it, butt, that is when I learned to only do it in private, until, the internets came along and then I was able to go public again? In truth, I have mucho soft skin, and anyone would have a hard time keeping their hands off me, if they got the chance to touch me once, why should I be held to a higher standard? I am sorry if this makes you lefties jealous, what can I say, I was hit with the sexy stick?


I can think several terms for what you wrote here .. but I assure you that "jealous" ain't on that list.

That's .. ahh .. real interesting information though. thanx