West Virginia Is Dying and Trump Can’t Save It

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Madison is symbolic of the state's population, which saw the largest percentage drop in the nation in 2016. What used to be a thriving state where job-seekers would travel by railroad in the 1950s to find opportunities at coal mines, is now a place of largely forgotten towns, an aging population, drug addiction, lack of medical services and economic hardship–what some might call a "dying state."

But for West Virginia, it isn't . For one, the government isn't likely to bail out an entire state. Also, West Virginia's largely uneducated population prevents it from switching to a knowledge-based economy that doesn't rely on coal.

Although a knowledge-based economy seems difficult with West Virginia's uneducated workforce, :laugh: legislators argue the state could draw in new businesses with proper state regulations.


West Virginia has been dying for quite some time now, natural gas pretty much added the final touches

When you see West Virginians fruitlessly trying to save which is probably the worst job in the world it says a lot
West Virginia has been dying for quite some time now, natural gas pretty much added the final touches

When you see West Virginians fruitlessly trying to save which is probably the worst job in the world it says a lot

tRump simply screwed them over with bullshit claims to bring back coal. If they are stupid enough to fall for it again, then they deserve what they get. I can see desperate people believing in tRump once, but if they are stupid enough to do it twice, then that's on them.
The American Elite Class is exactly that despicable that they would allow states to die if they are full of the "wrong" people.
The American Elite Class is exactly that despicable that they would allow states to die if they are full of the "wrong" people.

Anyone who is educated is an elite to you, and yes we snicker at the simple minded hillbilly's that bent over for trump
The American Elite Class is exactly that despicable that they would allow states to die if they are full of the "wrong" people.

They rely on coal. That is not a creation of the elite but a dying energy product. They are not being punished for who they are. Coal jobs have been shrinking fora long time. Automation and mountain top mining are also causes.
You really cannot believe shit like that can you? Wrong people?