West Virginians Beg Joe Manchin to Extend Child Tax Credit as Checks End

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Senator Joe Manchin is facing pressure from local leaders and parents to take action to extend the child tax credit.

Gathered at the West Virginia State Capitol on Friday, advocates stood holding signs featuring testimonials from parents as well posters reading "Child Checks Keep Families Afloat" and "We Can't Wait for Care."

"We need help that the expanded child tax credit can provide to us, and I'm begging for Washington, D.C., for Senator Manchin to hear us," Kristen Olsen, a mother and educator, said from the lectern on the steps of the Capitol.

"I'm so angry about it," Olsen told Newsweek after the event. "It's like a nasty, wicked trick. How could they even provide this to us for just six months, and then take it away when the prices of everything are going up?"

Angelica Willis, another speaker at Friday's event, highlighted that West Virginia has the sixth highest poverty rate in the country and is 3.7 percentage points higher than the national average.

"We need to be given a chance, a chance to continue to fight for the future, West Virginia, our children's future here," Willis said. "This expansion will give us an opportunity to rise above and change these numbers."

One analysis from the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy recently estimated that the expanded child tax credit payments reached 93 percent of children in the state last year. If the enhanced benefit is reauthorized, the group said, 50,000 of the lowest income children in the state would drop below the poverty line or deeper into poverty.

"Joe is going to be primaried and lose."

hypocrisy is unbecoming

Unless there's some election law in WV that I'm unaware of he can be primaried. But yeah, chances are pretty high that someone more liberal in West Virginia is going to lose. It's kind of like those on the right who wanted to primary Olympia Snow. It can be done but it ignores the political realities of Maine that a 'true conservative' isn't going to get elected there so better take what you can get. Same with Dems and WV.
Unless there's some election law in WV that I'm unaware of he can be primaried. But yeah, chances are pretty high that someone more liberal in West Virginia is going to lose. It's kind of like those on the right who wanted to primary Olympia Snow. It can be done but it ignores the political realities of Maine that a 'true conservative' isn't going to get elected there so better take what you can get. Same with Dems and WV.

of course he can - and can lose to the republican when they decide to ignore the base and roll with the progresstards

Trump got 66% in WV - so the democrats are just dumb
Yea, the poor Democrat ones that "live" there on food stamps and section 8 while making meth in their kitchen... "Yea, let's have us a 'nother kid there wife! That's like three-hundred more dollars from that stupid fucker in the White House. Goddamn he's on a roll!"


That right there is a genuine West Virginia limousine liberal Democrat!