West Virginia’s long decline

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
For decades West Virginia had been an economic punchline, ranking at or near the bottom in many economic indicators, including jobs and wages. The state’s fortunes were yoked to the coal industry, which has been locked in a long, sputtering decline. The “knowledge economies” that sprang up on the country’s coasts mostly missed West Virginia, which has the lowest percentage of college graduates among the states.

many who stayed ended up becoming casualties of opioids or alcohol, part of a growing number of “deaths of despair.” West Virginia’s other claim to fame has been the highest drug overdose death rates from 2014 to 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 2016, West Virginia ranked as the only U.S. state where the majority of the population was White and had high school diplomas or less. Trump’s message to forgotten men and women resonated deeply. The state gave Trump his second biggest margin of victory behind Wyoming.
