"We've become a nation of wusses"


"The city of Philadelphia is set to host the NFL's first Tuesday night game in 64 years, and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (D) couldn't be more upset about it....

Rendell was rankled by the league's decision to move the Philadelphia Eagles' home game against the Minnesota Vikings from Sunday night to Tuesday evening.

The NFL cited the winter storm that wound up slamming most of the East Coast as the reason for the change, but elected to postpone the game before any snow had even accumulated. About a foot of snow fell on Philadelphia, though less than 5 inches was on the ground before the scheduled kickoff at 8:20 p.m. EST Sunday night.

Rendell viewed the NFL's decision as a referendum on the toughness, or lack thereof, of the United States.

"My biggest beef is that this is part of what's happened in this country," Rendell said. "I think we've become wussies."

"We've become a nation of wusses. The Chinese are kicking our butt in everything," Rendell added. "If this was in China do you think the Chinese would have called off the game? People would have been marching down to the stadium, they would have walked and they would have been doing calculus on the way down...."

[ame="http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5960674&campaign=rss&source=ESPNHeadlines"]Pennsylvania Governor: Postponement proves U.S. a 'nation of wusses' - ESPN[/ame]
Yea...that's right. Their pussies! I was at the Freezer Bowl in 1982....-37 Deg F with wind chill (wind was about 25 mph). My Pops and I stayed for the whole freaken game! (Good thing we brought a bottle of brandy, killed it too!). I kinda felt bad for San Diego that day. They had gone from one extreme to another in a week.
Yeah, avoiding a huge traffic jam in the middle of a huge winter storm is a sure sign were are wusses.

I mean, why not have 50k people driving in the middle of the storm. I'm sure it would be fine to overload the city's resources just to show how tough we are.
Football in a blizzard is real football.
Yea...something these southern pussies don't seem to understand. I bet there's not a single on of the southern loud mouths here who could have sat through 4 qtrs of the Freezer bowl like I did. Which shows two things. #1. I'm far tougher then they are and #2 they're far smarter.
Yea...something these southern pussies don't seem to understand. I bet there's not a single on of the southern loud mouths here who could have sat through 4 qtrs of the Freezer bowl like I did. Which shows two things. #1. I'm far tougher then they are and #2 they're far smarter.

What does southern pussies have to do with not playing the game on the day it should have been played on?

That being said, I wish I could sit through a freezer bowl. It would help if my team was playing.

How's that climate change working out for y'all up there?

Or is it global warming this week?
Yea...something these southern pussies don't seem to understand. I bet there's not a single on of the southern loud mouths here who could have sat through 4 qtrs of the Freezer bowl like I did. Which shows two things. #1. I'm far tougher then they are and #2 they're far smarter.

I sat thru the SEC championship in B'ham when the windchill put it in the low 20s. Great game, but not something I would choose to do often.

But then, none of the players were hospitlized like they often are in hot weather games.
If 11 inches of snow brings America's gladiators to a halt, it is clear we have lost our resilience.

what a fucking idiot, Id like to see his fazt ass on a football field being hit by linebackers.

The game wasnt called to protect ONLY the players, it was called to keep people off the fucked up roads

"Evince" feels the game should've been called, contradicting Gov. Ed Rendell.
I do not understand the need to complain about rescheduling a game.

Does anyone actually think it makes us tougher as a nation to hold a sporting event in potentially dangerous weather? Not just the people in the stands, but the thousands of people travelling to and from the game could have been in serious danger. And we should do that to prove how macho we are?

You guys amaze me.
I do not understand the need to complain about rescheduling a game.

Does anyone actually think it makes us tougher as a nation to hold a sporting event in potentially dangerous weather? Not just the people in the stands, but the thousands of people travelling to and from the game could have been in serious danger. And we should do that to prove how macho we are?

You guys amaze me.

Gov. Ed Rendell and the columnist both claim the decision was an indication of softness.
Gov. Ed Rendell and the columnist both claim the decision was an indication of softness.

Have you watched the news about the amount of snow dropped by this storm? In NY they were still digging out 5 days later. An ambulance took 11 hours to get to a call for a child with a life threatening situation.

And you want to have added 25k or even 50k more people on the roads?? And why? For some life saving endeavor or work? No. So they could watch a sporting event and measure our dicks against the dicks of other nations?

Total nonsense. This idea that we should be tough is just another piece of bullshit. Proving how macho they are has killed or injured more people than almost anything.

You want to show we are tough? You want to risk tens of thousands of lives to prove we are tougher than the chinese? WTF?

Not postponing the game would have simply proved us stupid and reckless.
You wanna see wuzzies mention the draft and serving your nation honorably to all the armchair patriots. Or mention any service to the country that is hard. Threedee even uses a quote of mine to represent just how wuzzy we have become wuzz is now a meme.

"For anyone born after 1945, the welfare state and its institutions were not a solution to earlier dilemmas: they were simply the normal conditions of life - and more than a little dull. The baby boomers, entering university in the mid sixties, had only ever known the world of improving life chances, generous medical and educational services, optimistic prospects of a upward social mobility and - perhaps above all - an indefinable but ubiquitous sense of security. The goals of an earlier generation of reformers were no longer of interest to their successors. On the contrary they were increasingly perceived as restrictions upon the self-expression and freedom of the individual." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land' Amazon.com: Ill Fares the Land (9781594202766): Tony Judt: Books@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41iVS57bmxL.@@AMEPARAM@@41iVS57bmxL
Have you watched the news about the amount of snow dropped by this storm? In NY they were still digging out 5 days later. An ambulance took 11 hours to get to a call for a child with a life threatening situation.

And you want to have added 25k or even 50k more people on the roads?? And why? For some life saving endeavor or work? No. So they could watch a sporting event and measure our dicks against the dicks of other nations?

Total nonsense. This idea that we should be tough is just another piece of bullshit. Proving how macho they are has killed or injured more people than almost anything.

You want to show we are tough? You want to risk tens of thousands of lives to prove we are tougher than the chinese? WTF?

Not postponing the game would have simply proved us stupid and reckless.

NY had a good bit more snow than Philly, if ya drove across 78 going from NJ to PA once in PA it looked like they had gotten little more than a dusting

Someone on here said Philly got 11 inched, that is hardly a blizzard and the roads could of been passable, NYC is also at this point being investigated for standing down during the storm, seems there plows were told to park for over eight hours to delay snow removal

Under no means do I feel Americans are weak for rescheduling if the weather would of made it to dangerous, but it sounds to me like they may have jumped the gun a bit
NY had a good bit more snow than Philly, if ya drove across 78 going from NJ to PA once in PA it looked like they had gotten little more than a dusting

Someone on here said Philly got 11 inched, that is hardly a blizzard and the roads could of been passable, NYC is also at this point being investigated for standing down during the storm, seems there plows were told to park for over eight hours to delay snow removal

Under no means do I feel Americans are weak for rescheduling if the weather would of made it to dangerous, but it sounds to me like they may have jumped the gun a bit

This is one of those no win situations. If they waited and it got bad, they would be accused of not caring what happened to the people. Now they get flack for being wimps.

If it were something other than an entertainment event, I could see some risk being worthwhile.
Yea...something these southern pussies don't seem to understand. I bet there's not a single on of the southern loud mouths here who could have sat through 4 qtrs of the Freezer bowl like I did. Which shows two things. #1. I'm far tougher then they are and #2 they're far smarter.

I would have gone skiing instead of sitting on my ass like a stupid fat fool. :palm: