What are Republicans?


Verified User
We know what are Republicans.

And we are so grateful for Democratic heroic Americans valiantly putting down the evil Republican orc rebellion.
don't worry there are still republican globalist neocons like you. they're just being quiet right now.

I am not the least bit worried. tRump has single handedly destroyed the Republican Elitist Party. For that, I thank him......)

That said, surely you get tired of being wrong so often. Geez, it must be sssssooooooo exhausting.

With respect to your consistently incorrect labeling. You are closer to a Liberal than I am a NeoCon. Think about it.....)
I am not the least bit worried. tRump has single handedly destroyed the Republican Elitist Party. For that, I thank him......)

That said, surely you get tired of being wrong so often. Geez, it must be sssssooooooo exhausting.

With respect to your consistently incorrect labeling. You are closer to a Liberal than I am a NeoCon. Think about it.....)

that's why I asked you what your main issues are. you didn't answer.

label jockeying is a dead end.