What are some of your favorite Steven VanderMolen "What are your favorite--" threads?


What are some of your favorite Steven VanderMolen "What are your favorite--" threads?

I don't have any favorites as participating in those kinds of threads just isn't really my thing.

But he certainly does seem to have gotten on a kick. :rolleyes:
I don't have any favorites as participating in those kinds of threads just isn't really my thing.

But he certainly does seem to have gotten on a kick. :rolleyes:

They're ALL great, shit for brains. They're written with style and wit, two things you'll NEVER possess, fuckwad.
I like the one where Stevie goes down on Top!
And gets Toxic shock syndrome

Little Stevie AsserHolen sure did seem to get quite angry and upset with me just for mentioning his recently acquired habit of creating these "What's your favorite....." threads.

First, he attacked me by calling me a "mindless dickehead", then he felt the need to defend himself by claiming that all of theses threads of his are "written with style and wit", even though other than saying "participating in those kinds of threads just isn't really my thing", I never criticized or said anything negative to or about him.

And the part about them being "written with style and wit"...... wha.....????? :wha:

Where is all this supposed style and wit????

Because looking through them, all I see is....

1) a thread title which asks a silly, inane question, and

2) his own answer, in the form of a list of his own favorite of whatever the topic is.


What is so "stylish and witty" about that?

And why is little Stevie so touchy and sensitive?

Maybe he has a guilty conscience because he knows those threads are just spam? :dunno:
Little Stevie AsserHolen sure did seem to get quite angry and upset with me just for mentioning his recently acquired habit of creating these "What's your favorite....." threads.

First, he attacked me by calling me a "mindless dickehead", then he felt the need to defend himself by claiming that all of theses threads of his are "written with style and wit", even though other than saying "participating in those kinds of threads just isn't really my thing", I never criticized or said anything negative to or about him.

And the part about them being "written with style and wit"...... wha.....????? :wha:

Where is all this supposed style and wit????

Because looking through them, all I see is....

1) a thread title which asks a silly, inane question, and

2) his own answer, in the form of a list of his own favorite of whatever the topic is.


What is so "stylish and witty" about that?

And why is little Stevie so touchy and sensitive?

Maybe he has a guilty conscience because he knows those threads are just spam? :dunno:
