What are the Rules of Devil's Triangle Drinking Game?

Must be an east coast game, we never played it in my neck of the woods. How is it played?

Like every drinking game---you drink a lot except when you are supposed to, you yell at all your friends, some girl who cannot get into the bathroom pees in the kitchen sink, somebody ends up on the kitchen floor with no shoe, somebody tries to drag that person off the kitchen floor to some place until they finally say fuck it, let them lay there, and then the pot smokers go outside to smoke the weed, some girl passes out on the sofa while the "No No No, I like REALLY love you people" make their rounds, and the pot smokers come in and find things over which is fine because yawns time to watch the live coverage from the space station on NASA channel until they nod off.
So I ask how to play quarters with 3 cups and I get crazy answers from liberals. I should have known better than to ask the question on this site.
So I ask how to play quarters with 3 cups and I get crazy answers from liberals. I should have known better than to ask the question on this site.

Nope, you sure didn’t. You asked how two guys can fuck a chick.

Had you asked about a game called ‘Quarters’, you would get responses about a drinking game.

Now, ask about ‘boofing’.
Why do so many people fail to understand two things:

1 - Just because somewhere in the US, a name or phrase is used to describe something; doesn't mean that it automatically becomes the same nation wide


2 - Descriptive phrases change over time; for example: How many still ask for a fag to smoke?!!
Why do so many people fail to understand two things:

1 - Just because somewhere in the US, a name or phrase is used to describe something; doesn't mean that it automatically becomes the same nation wide


2 - Descriptive phrases change over time; for example: How many still ask for a fag to smoke?!!

Alternative definitions, perfect.