my wife and I spent a glorious sunny day taking a hike in the snowy woods with our two dogs...and came home to prepare a great meal of lobster thermador, a tossed green salad with a homemade citrus ginger vineagarette, angelfood cake with a cold peach puree... and I had a cup of coffee.... she did not.... she is not curled up on the futon with both the dogs reading and I am at the keyboard a few feet away... it's our tenth anniversary tonight and we really had a grand day of it.
my wife and I spent a glorious sunny day taking a hike in the snowy woods with our two dogs...and came home to prepare a great meal of lobster thermador, a tossed green salad with a homemade citrus ginger vineagarette, angelfood cake with a cold peach puree... and I had a cup of coffee.... she did not.... she is now curled up on the futon with both the dogs(you and who?) reading and I am at the keyboard a few feet away... it's our tenth anniversary(should you not be getting it on?he he) tonight and we really had a grand day of it.
Taking some pills, rippin' a bongload, drinking some whiskey, and ogling ladies.