What are you doing for Squirrel Appreciation Day?


Will work for Scooby snacks
Squirrel Appreciation Day, January 21

"Today we celebrate rodents of the Sciuridae family which includes squirrels and chipmunks. With their bushy tail, small ears, and large eyes, it’s easy to see how these creatures have captured the hearts of many humans throughout history." (-Cal. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife)


I didn't know about it but they are so cute! I found a baby squirrel who fell out of a tree once and luckily, there is a squirrel rescue here in Florida who came and got him, took to their sanctuary or whatever.
I didn't know about it but they are so cute! I found a baby squirrel who fell out of a tree once and luckily, there is a squirrel rescue here in Florida who came and got him, took to their sanctuary or whatever.

They ain't cute, they are rodents, rats that live in tree, if you ever had a bird feeder or hickory tree in your yard you wouldn't find squirrels cute, they are a pest
Squirrel Appreciation Day, January 21

"Today we celebrate rodents of the Sciuridae family which includes squirrels and chipmunks. With their bushy tail, small ears, and large eyes, it’s easy to see how these creatures have captured the hearts of many humans throughout history." (-Cal. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife)


Squirrel gravy? :thinking: Deep fired Squirrel? Nothing cleaner nor more healthy than consuming meat that eats only fruits, nuts and greens. You can have your free range chicken....I prefer, wild rabbit, squirrel, turkey, deer, with my favorite being ruffled grouse. :clink: Some people enjoy Raccoon and Opossum/possum......I find the meat to nasty due to the diet consumed by these animals.

Give me a good dog.....a shotgun and box of 7 shot, there is nothing more enjoyable than hunting your own food. I kill only what I personally consume. The same for fishing....very seldom do I keep and eat the fish I catch. I prefer crappie and bass....the rest is simply catch and release, especially TROUT (I could never stand the taste of trout....too fishy, to boney). Of course the crawdad is right up there with the crappie for an enjoyable taste even though it is an acquired taste (its like eating tiny lobsters). In the spring.....pick a few ramps (type of wild onion), and Molly Moochers (mushrooms) and make a good stir fry....throw in fresh eggs and a fry a little rice...….so gooood.

One person should never have to go hungry in this land of plenty.....all it takes is a little skill and you can set a table fit for a king. Want sugar? Grow sorghum and make molasses. Need tobacco? Grown your own, harvest it.....want drink, grow corn....and make your own.....apples,corn and molasses make for a very good brandy.
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I didn't know about it but they are so cute! I found a baby squirrel who fell out of a tree once and luckily, there is a squirrel rescue here in Florida who came and got him, took to their sanctuary or whatever.
Thank you for helping our furry friends.

I really like the black squirrels they have in eastern Canada