What are your thoughts about the homeless and homelessness issues here in the U.S.?

I have a simple solution to help our homeless. Stop housing and feeding illegal immigrants that are NOT citizens and NOT here legally and instead use this effort and money to help OUR homeless citizens that are here legally. Also, I've never been and never WILL be mean to the homeless. I will always show them compassion and dignity. In my over 30 years of living in Phoenix, Arizona, I encountered quite a few homeless people. They were NEVER mean or threatening towards me. And always appreciative when I could help them out. It's time to help our own homeless and not people here illegally.
I have a simple solution to help our homeless. Stop housing and feeding illegal immigrants that are NOT citizens and NOT here legally and instead use this effort and money to help OUR homeless citizens that are here legally. Also, I've never been and never WILL be mean to the homeless. I will always show them compassion and dignity. In my over 30 years of living in Phoenix, Arizona, I encountered quite a few homeless people. They were NEVER mean or threatening towards me. And always appreciative when I could help them out. It's time to help our own homeless and not people here illegally.

Apples and Oranges,but at least you're willing to help the poor.
Most conservatives worry about Billionaires having to pay taxes.
Complex issue. Really sets of issues.
Who are the homeless ?

Some are caught in short term financial crunches. These tend to get worked out reasonably quickly.

Others chronicly so as they cant work.
Disabled or mental. Thats what Medicaid is for.

Still others who wont work.
They need to get over it.

And then there are illegals.
Dont allow illegals to live anywhere employed or not, and enforce laws agsinst those employing them. This will free up low income housing to some extent.

Property values are a major factor in cities. Cost of living is out of reach for low skill workers (or even high skill ones in silicon valley).
There is no good fix for this apart from cities saying "yes" to any and every real estate development that gets pitched. Cities need to recognize when they are full. Let new development happen where there are workers to work.

Answers are easy enough but massively unpopular.