What Books Are Banned In America?


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
I'll give you a chance to present your case. Give examples and links. Examples of banned magazines in the past are welcome too.

To define the word "ban" - officially or legally prohibit.

Here's your chance to convince us JPP folks.

The 6 Dr. Seuss books..

Huckleberry Finn -Mark Twain
(A right proper American story, IMO)

"To kill a Mockingbird" Wow! Holy shit! They used to show this every year on TV.

"Of Mice and Men" is in there, too.


I hope your contention isn't that they're not banning culture, because that position would be wrong.

The comments on that Breitbart link are golden!

Banning a classic Steinbeck story that has been required reading in English classes in America forever? WTF?!
Dude, there's even a Bugs Bunny Cartoon multiple Bugs Bunny cartoons based on "Of MIce and Men", true story.
But the youngers get to experience none of that? Why not?
They banned Bugs Bunny AND Steinbeck, huh? Wtf'ing fuck?

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The 6 Dr. Seuss books..

Huckleberry Finn -Mark Twain
(A right proper American story, IMO)

"To kill a Mockingbird" Wow! Holy shit! They used to show this every year on TV.

"Of Mice and Men" is in there, too.


I hope your contention isn't that they're not banning culture, because that position would be wrong.

The comments on that Breitbart link are golden!

Can you still own those books? Refer to the definition of the word "ban".
Can you still own those books? Refer to the definition of the word "ban".

Will they get a search warrant to take them from me, motherfucker?

To be honest, I am not liking your train of thought right now.
Is ownership of the wrong books going to be punished?

AFAIK, I can own any books I've been entitled to all my life.

Unlike a lot of people, I have been entitled to a lot of books all my life.
I own all of my k-3rd grade library..because the woman that raised me provided all those books to the school.
And then a lot after that as well.
I remember there was this rabbit series, what was that?

I kinda stopped caring after eating a bad chicken sandwich from Publix. It made me sick..And I was supposed to do a book report on one of those rabbit books that day,
but that sammich really did make me sick.
Who was that popular rabbit back in them days?
There was like 26 books about him in the "school library"?
"Rabbit D. Rabbington" doesn't sound right.
Pennington rabbit? not quite it..Anyone know?
Most popular rabbit books from 1-3rd grade .. what's the name of the rabbit?
"Lunch" does not count. It wasn't "Lunch" rabbit, but that would have been better than that spoiled Publix chicken sandwich I got..
The fat was all congealed and everything...apparently I still remember that..Oh! It was supposed to be BBQ, that makes it worse.
The unholiest sandwich I ever ate. Would not recommend to anyone, ever.
Was sick for a day and a half. Congealed chicken fat and fake BBQ sauce spoiled motherfucker it was.
MAYBE Benjamin Bunny was it.

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Will they get a search warrant to take them from me, motherfucker?

To be honest, I am not liking your train of thought right now.
Is ownership of the wrong books going to be punished?

AFAIK, I can own any books I've been entitled to all my life.

Unlike a lot of people, I have been entitled to a lot of books all my life.
I own all of my k-3rd grade library..because the woman that raised me provided all those books to the school.
And then a lot after that as well.
I remember there was this rabbit series, what was that?

I kinda stopped caring after eating a bad chicken sandwich from Publix. It made me sick..And I was supposed to do a book report on one of those rabbit books that day,
but that sammich really did make me sick.
Who was that popular rabbit back in them days?
There was like 26 books about him in the "school library"?
"Rabbit D. Rabbington" doesn't sound right.
Pennington rabbit? not quite it..Anyone know?
Most popular rabbit books from 1-3rd grade ..what's the name of the rabbit?
"Lunch" does not count.

Dude you know me better than that.
It would be so very, very hilarious irony if they banned this book.

I'll give you a chance to present your case. Give examples and links. Examples of banned magazines in the past are welcome too.

To define the word "ban" - officially or legally prohibit.

Here's your chance to convince us JPP folks.


It is an insult to even attempt compare voluntary dissociation with some vintage Dr. Seuss books, with outright Kremlin-mandated bans on authors like Solzhenitsyn, Zemyatin, Bulgakov.
I wonder what the little lefty brownshirts think banning books will accomplish? Because it won't change anything. Only shows them for the true Nazis they are.