What Can We Learn from the Sudden 50% Increase in Wuhan’s Coronavirus Fatalities?(2)


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A Political Tool
For the CCP, statistics is a political tool that can be employed at will to achieve its political agenda. During the Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s, for example, crop production was boasted to be as high as 150 times the actual output during the period of political fanaticism. With the “unusually high” crop production, China exported much of its crops, leaving little for its own people. Independent investigations from multiple sources estimated that 45 million had starved to death during the famine.

This time, the CCP suddenly increased the death toll in Wuhan by 50%. It cited overwhelmed medical resources and the admission capacity of medical institutions, as well as previously unreported coronavirus deaths at home, as reasons for belated, missed, and mistaken reporting.

What the CCP did not mention in its revision of the death toll is that Wuhan medical professionals and other citizens were forbidden to disclose or discuss information about the outbreak. Wuhan, as well as other parts of China, had been under pressure to keep the numbers low or near zero.

For example, Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China has reported nearly zero new coronavirus cases in the past few weeks. With less than 500 reported cases across the province, only 40 were from Qiqihar City, a region of over 5 million residents.

A staff member of Qiqihar First Hospital disclosed in March that more than 200 staff members in that hospital alone had been infected with coronavirus as of two weeks earlier. In particular, nearly everyone in the orthopedics and clinical lab departments was infected. But the information was hidden from the public.

On February 21, two officials in the capital city of Harbin in Heilongjiang Province were removed from their posts for reporting coronavirus cases. Since February 22, no new cases have been reported for the city.

“After seven decades in power, the [Chinese Communist] party still depends on a governance system that combines arbitrary rule, brutal repression, eye-popping corruption and massive levels of deception, fraud and abuse,” wrote a Wall Street Journal article on April 13 with the title of “China Still Misleads the World on the Coronavirus.”
