What character traits do you most like and dislike about posters on this forum?


New member
I am not sure if this qualifies for his thread.
But I wanted to post this in a less combative area.
Apologies to the mods if this is wrongly placed.

What character traits do you most like and dislike about posters on this forum?

And please, do not mention names unless it is in the positive (especially posters OTHER than myself).

I will start:

The character/posting trait I admire the most about posters on this forum?

- emotional restraint.

Something I - sadly - do NOT possess.

I see certain posters get viciously attacked. And yet, these posters will remain calm and cool.

AProudLefty (APL) comes to mind on this.
But I am quite sure he/she is not the only one.

I remember one thread - weeks/months ago - where someone was just semi-going nuts on him/her?
But APL kept calm and cool.
And, eventually, the debate turned civil and the other poster apologized.

There is NO WAY that (realistically) could have happened if APL had shot back insults.

That is the one trait I most wish that I would adopt.

The character traits I DISLIKE the most:


Especially when people just jump on someone who said nothing wrong or offensive.
It's just pure bullying.

I myself am guilty of this...to a point.
But I try to NEVER, attack anyone who is not a known troll.
Or if they have not attacked me already.
But I admit - I could do better on this.

Another negative trait is:

- people who just won't shut up.

They just go on and on and on about things.
Acting like what they say actually is important.
Or anyone gives a shit about his/her thoughts on something.

Here is a link to a perfect example of this:


The guy just goes on and on and on.
Blathering on about this and that.
Can't this dude learn 'brevity'?

Who was this anyway...?

Never mind.
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I like those who do their research before posting on a topic. Too many people get their info from state run propaganda tv, then think they know what they're talking about.
People who are so inarticulate they can't make a reasoned response to the simplest commentary.

Those that think their opinion is fact and can't tell the difference.
People who are so inarticulate they can't make a reasoned response to the simplest commentary.

Those that think their opinion is fact and can't tell the difference.

It's a common problem among the poorly educated; a lack of critical thinking skills. IOW, like you said, they can't tell the difference between opinion and fact.

This is most commonly seen on JPP by those quoting the opinions of talking heads like Tucker Carlson, Don Lemon and Sean Hannity as fact.

I am not sure if this qualifies for his thread.
But I wanted to post this in a less combative area.
Apologies to the mods if this is wrongly placed.

What character traits do you most like and dislike about posters on this forum?

And please, do not mention names unless it is in the positive (especially posters OTHER than myself).

I will start:

The character/posting trait I admire the most about posters on this forum?

- emotional restraint.

Something I - sadly - do NOT possess.

I see certain posters get viciously attacked. And yet, these posters will remain calm and cool.

AProudLefty (APL) comes to mind on this.
But I am quite sure he/she is not the only one.

I remember one thread - weeks/months ago - where someone was just semi-going nuts on him/her?
But APL kept calm and cool.
And, eventually, the debate turned civil and the other poster apologized.

There is NO WAY that (realistically) could have happened if APL had shot back insults.

That is the one trait I most wish that I would adopt.

The character traits I DISLIKE the most:


Especially when people just jump on someone who said nothing wrong or offensive.
It's just pure bullying.

I myself am guilty of this...to a point.
But I try to NEVER, attack anyone who is not a known troll.
Or if they have not attacked me already.
But I admit - I could do better on this.

Another negative trait is:

- people who just won't shut up.

They just go on and on and on about things.
Acting like what they say actually is important.
Or anyone gives a shit about his/her thoughts on something.

Here is a link to a perfect example of this:


The guy just goes on and on and on.
Blathering on about this and that.
Can't this dude learn 'brevity'?

Who was this anyway...?

Never mind.

The worst it's the lying pussy. This is the poster that makes a claim and can't back it up. Lying pussy.
I like posters who have some humility, arent over arrogant attention seekers and keep their ego in check much like I do. :cool:
Those who have to shout their responses by using bold/large font have zero credibility. They are dismissed immediately.

Those who have to constantly use memes rather than their own words have zero credibility. They are dismissed immediately.
Those who have to shout their responses by using bold/large font have zero credibility. They are dismissed immediately.

Those who have to constantly use memes rather than their own words have zero credibility. They are dismissed immediately.

It's a form of overcompensation to use large font all the time. Their way of saying "Look at me!"

Note that the vast majority of them are elderly, miserable Euro-American males waiting to die in some shithole facility.

Agreed on those who only post memes, much less clogs a thread with nothing but memes. Note those that do are incapable of generating a meme; they always have to steal it from someone else to cut'n'paste on JPP.

That said, I think memes, when coupled with text add an extra dimension to posts. Let's be honest, most JPP members (think the oversized font crowd) aren't that bright so a picture really is worth a thousand words with them.
It's a form of overcompensation to use large font all the time. Their way of saying "Look at me!"

Note that the vast majority of them are elderly, miserable Euro-American males waiting to die in some shithole facility.

Agreed on those who only post memes, much less clogs a thread with nothing but memes. Note those that do are incapable of generating a meme; they always have to steal it from someone else to cut'n'paste on JPP.

That said, I think memes, when coupled with text add an extra dimension to posts. Let's be honest, most JPP members (think the oversized font crowd) aren't that bright so a picture really is worth a thousand words with them.

Yeah, perhaps a meme, an OCCASIONAL meme, with added text is fine. There are those, and we know who they are, are too inarticulate to use their own words.
Yeah, perhaps a meme, an OCCASIONAL meme, with added text is fine. There are those, and we know who they are, are too inarticulate to use their own words.
Agreed about those who are inarticulate and use single emoji or single meme posts.