What country has more lions than any other place in the world?


The United States. Counting the ones in captivity. India used to have more than 40k lions before the subcontinent became wildly populated, now it's a tenth of that.

That's a sad statistic, eh?
That's a sad statistic, eh?


Lions are subhuman scum of the earth, and legislation should immediately require their total and complete extinction. Lions have ruined this country for decades and their time is over. Any other opinion is absolutely and completely evil, and should be punishable by death. There is absolutely no room for any disagreement among intelligent people on this issue.
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Lions are subhuman scum of the earth, and legislation should immediately require their total and complete extinction. Lions have ruined this country for decades and their time is over. Any other opinion is absolutely and completely evil, and should be punishable by death. There is absolutely no room for any disagreement among intelligent people on this issue.

Hmmm, Epi, have you somehow subsumed another poster?

Lions are subhuman scum of the earth, and legislation should immediately require their total and complete extinction. Lions have ruined this country for decades and their time is over. Any other opinion is absolutely and completely evil, and should be punishable by death. There is absolutely no room for any disagreement among intelligent people on this issue.


You know troll-me too well epic.
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if it were you and a lion in a room together, the lion would eventually eat you. Same thing goes for if spiders were bigger. They would wrap you in silk and suck out all your juices. We should show no mercy to them, as they would never do the same for us.

Kill all lions.

Lions are subhuman scum of the earth, and legislation should immediately require their total and complete extinction. Lions have ruined this country for decades and their time is over. Any other opinion is absolutely and completely evil, and should be punishable by death. There is absolutely no room for any disagreement among intelligent people on this issue.

Oddly enough, this sounds surprisingly like the Liberal argument against pitbulls.
Imagine if every state and country had a pitbull ban like Liberals want, no zoo wants them so how would they continue to exist?
Oddly enough, this sounds surprisingly like the Liberal argument against pitbulls.
Imagine if every state and country had a pitbull ban like Liberals want, no zoo wants them so how would they continue to exist?

The difference being that pit bulls were created by man so it would only be fitting if man destroyed them.

We didn't make lions.
Oddly enough, this sounds surprisingly like the Liberal argument against pitbulls.
Imagine if every state and country had a pitbull ban like Liberals want, no zoo wants them so how would they continue to exist?

lol dano, come on can't we have a thread about lions without you comparing conservatives and liberals.
Oddly enough, this sounds surprisingly like the Liberal argument against pitbulls.
Imagine if every state and country had a pitbull ban like Liberals want, no zoo wants them so how would they continue to exist?

LOL, you are a straw man expert, huh? If a person wants to ban pitbulls, they're no liberal. They may be left-wing, but they're certainly not liberal.
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You don't think Water didn't have an underlying lefty message about the importance of government conservation when he wrote this?

I think we should create large reservation in India and Africa for Tigers and Lions and other animals currently in captivity to roam, free from human interference or tourism. Then we should empty the zoos, as it's a barbaric, inhumane practice to keep those creatures locked up for their natural lives. The government should do this.

Yeah, but I didn't have that in mind when I wrote this. It's just a sad statistic.