What did Santa bring y'all...?


The kids got what they wanted and old G/Pa got what he deserved...the standard winter gloves,sweat shirts,flannelshirt,OldSpice gift pack,candy,Beef Jerky and a six pack of beer(Killians Irish Red)....:D
Well, I got "The Almanac of American Politics 2008", about $200 worth of book gift certificates, a new sword, a Carhart jacket, some cool new work gloves that fit to the hand...

I made out okay...
Wow sounds nice. Well I got some new movies that I really wanted. "White Castle," "The Simpsons" and "Hairspray." I know weird mix right? I also got a podcast subscription renewed and a $30 gift card for Best Buy and I'm hopefully going to get a new phone from my dad later in the week (we didn't have time to go get it). So all in all it was nice. :)
Wow sounds nice. Well I got some new movies that I really wanted. "White Castle," "The Simpsons" and "Hairspray." I know weird mix right? I also got a podcast subscription renewed and a $30 gift card for Best Buy and I'm hopefully going to get a new phone from my dad later in the week (we didn't have time to go get it). So all in all it was nice. :)
The Simpson's movie? Well, to each their own.