What did the world think of Trump?

Midway through Trump’s presidency, Pew Research conducted worldwide opinion polls to address this and related questions. Here is what they found in seven developed countries …

Percentage of people who held a generally favorable view of the US:

Japan 68%
Britain 57%
Canada 51%
Australia 50%
France 48%
Germany 39%
Russia 29%

Otoh, the percentage of people who had confidence that President Trump would do the right thing in world affairs was:

Japan 36%
Britain 32%
Canada 28%
Australia 35%
France 20%
Germany 13%
Russia 20%


It should be added that Trump’s popularity was rising among supporters of the National Rally in France, AfD in Germany, Lega in Italy, and similar groups. If he had been running for President of the EU in 2020 he might have won. Would he have made Europe great again?

P.S. Only kidding. The EU has two presidents (of the Commission and the Council) but neither is elected by the people.
What that shows is that the world knows what Americans know.

trump is a buffoon, but the nation could barely keep him in check in an emergency.
Is this the part where a Reichwinger Cultist pops up and declares that "We don't give a shit what those commie countries think 'cause Murica!"?
Midway through Trump’s presidency, Pew Research conducted worldwide opinion polls to address this and related questions. Here is what they found in seven developed countries …

Percentage of people who held a generally favorable view of the US:

Japan 68%
Britain 57%
Canada 51%
Australia 50%
France 48%
Germany 39%
Russia 29%

Otoh, the percentage of people who had confidence that President Trump would do the right thing in world affairs was:

Japan 36%
Britain 32%
Canada 28%
Australia 35%
France 20%
Germany 13%
Russia 20%


It should be added that Trump’s popularity was rising among supporters of the National Rally in France, AfD in Germany, Lega in Italy, and similar groups. If he had been running for President of the EU in 2020 he might have won. Would he have made Europe great again?

P.S. Only kidding. The EU has two presidents (of the Commission and the Council) but neither is elected by the people.

Who cares? If you want to kiss everyone's ass you can start with mine.
What an intelligent response. Are you in high school yet? There is no conversation that you cannot lower.

What point does this thread seek to make? That you can find people across the world who hate trump? That's the "intellectual" convsersation you want to have? So you tell me what the fuck is there to converse about here? As far as I can tell all it's meant to allow leftist idiots to engage in another trump hate circle jerk. I'm sorry if you don't think I take that shit seriously enough.
What point does this thread seek to make?

Allow me to explain. The results cited in the OP appear to show that the US was far more respected around the world than Trump. Even among Russians, Trump was markedly less popular than the country he purported to lead.

Some possible explanations:

Pew Research made it up;

the respondents were misled by Deep State propaganda, which controls the narrative everywhere;

they are all leftists and resent Trump making America great again;

they see him as an untrustworthy p.o.s.
