What Did You Idiots Do?


Loves Me Some Souls
Hey JPP, you know you're invisible on DuckDuckGo right now, right? I had to go to your twatter account and click a link there just to get to you, and I hate twatter. So...what did you fucking assclowns do to get yourself booted off of DDG?
Hey JPP, you know you're invisible on DuckDuckGo right now, right? I had to go to your twatter account and click a link there just to get to you, and I hate twatter. So...what did you fucking assclowns do to get yourself booted off of DDG?

Allowing free minds most likely.

This place is going away.
Hey JPP, you know you're invisible on DuckDuckGo right now, right? I had to go to your twatter account and click a link there just to get to you, and I hate twatter. So...what did you fucking assclowns do to get yourself booted off of DDG?

You could always type the URL into your browser. It works for me.
Hey JPP, you know you're invisible on DuckDuckGo right now, right? I had to go to your twatter account and click a link there just to get to you, and I hate twatter. So...what did you fucking assclowns do to get yourself booted off of DDG?
It all started when they banned Katzgar from Current Events.