What Difference Does It Matter Who Sits On The SCOTUS?


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After the Supreme Court sanctioned the theft of the presidency every American with a lick of sense washed their hands of the whole thing. Nevertheless, media mouths have four years to repair the damage by selling nominees with the same ‘straight arrow’ sales pitch they use for every federal nominee; so maybe the public should take a closer look at who nominates shyster lawyers for the High Court.

Popes are supposed to be infallible in matters of faith and morals. Presidents are clearly fallible in matters of the Constitution and law. (Bush the Elder was so infallible he took John Sununu’s advice and sent David H. Souter to the High Court.)

President Trump sent three justices to the High Court —— all three approve of the theft. I shudder when I think about who an honorable man will send to the court:


After the Supreme Court sanctioned the theft of the presidency every American with a lick of sense washed their hands of the whole thing. Nevertheless, media mouths have four years to repair the damage by selling nominees with the same ‘straight arrow’ sales pitch they use for every federal nominee; so maybe the public should take a closer look at who nominates shyster lawyers for the High Court.

Popes are supposed to be infallible in matters of faith and morals. Presidents are clearly fallible in matters of the Constitution and law. (Bush the Elder was so infallible he took John Sununu’s advice and sent David H. Souter to the High Court.)

President Trump sent three justices to the High Court —— all three approve of the theft. I shudder when I think about who an honorable man will send to the court:

Whine, whine and whine some more.
Usually bullshit we’ve come to expect from this one, least he didn’t use any Russian propaganda sites as he often does
Trump put three absolute cretins on the court to go with Thomas and Alito--Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
The Chief Justice Roberts leans right as well, so there are only three actually qualified justices on the court, Breyor, Sotomayor, and .Kagan.

Even with a sorry crew like that, the seditionist/insurrectionist trumpanzees aren't satisfied.
They want the Gestapo itself sitting on the highest court of the land because asshat douchebags like asshat douchebags.

After the Supreme Court sanctioned the theft of the presidency every American with a lick of sense washed their hands of the whole thing. Nevertheless, media mouths have four years to repair the damage by selling nominees with the same ‘straight arrow’ sales pitch they use for every federal nominee; so maybe the public should take a closer look at who nominates shyster lawyers for the High Court.

Popes are supposed to be infallible in matters of faith and morals. Presidents are clearly fallible in matters of the Constitution and law. (Bush the Elder was so infallible he took John Sununu’s advice and sent David H. Souter to the High Court.)

President Trump sent three justices to the High Court —— all three approve of the theft. I shudder when I think about who an honorable man will send to the court:

May I offer some cheese to go with that whine?

To See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil: Get some new dialogue, or do a better job of defending Democrat liars, perverts, and traitors:

February 23, 2021
Our Supreme Court Goes Full Nicaragua in PA Election Case
By C. Edmund Wright


Whine, whine and whine some more.

Usually bullshit we’ve come to expect from this one, least he didn’t use any Russian propaganda sites as he often does

Trump put three absolute cretins on the court to go with Thomas and Alito--Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
The Chief Justice Roberts leans right as well, so there are only three actually qualified justices on the court, Breyor, Sotomayor, and .Kagan.

Even with a sorry crew like that, the seditionist/insurrectionist trumpanzees aren't satisfied.
They want the Gestapo itself sitting on the highest court of the land because asshat douchebags like asshat douchebags.
Trumpets hate America and it’s system

We need to trade them with the people at our borders clamoring to be a part of this great nation we love

They need their trumpy to buy them an island to all go live on with trump as their king
Trumpets hate America and it’s system

To evince: You named the wrong people.

This clown was blocked from a getting a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court:

He is now up for AG:

Garland Refuses to Say If Illegal Entry Should Remain a Crime; Makes Strange, Confused Comment About What Happened on Jan. 6
By Nick Arama
Feb 22, 2021 11:30 PM ET


There is no doubt that an honorable man will move Garland up to the SCOTUS at the first opportunity.