What do academic philosophers talk about?


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Despite ‘the meaning of life’ being the topic that non-philosophers think philosophers work on, it’s actually been a very marginal topic in analytic philosophy. But for pretty much all of the past century, it was not the sort of thing that anyone worked on before getting tenure.

Does anything really matter? That’s what Tolstoy and I both want to know. And analytic philosophers don’t just refuse to answer this question – they couldn’t even ask it.

Despite ‘the meaning of life’ being the topic that non-philosophers think philosophers work on, it’s actually been a very marginal topic in analytic philosophy. But for pretty much all of the past century, it was not the sort of thing that anyone worked on before getting tenure.

Does anything really matter? That’s what Tolstoy and I both want to know. And analytic philosophers don’t just refuse to answer this question – they couldn’t even ask it.

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Does anything really matter? That’s what Tolstoy and I both want to know.
Pretty arrogant to elevate himself to the same league as a great man like Leo Tolstoy.

The author doesn't seem to know much about Tolstoy, because Tolstoy ended up resolving his existential crises by adopting a rationalist and pacifist form of Christianity.

Well into the 20th century, there were communities of people who tried to live out Tolstoy's vision of a rationalist Christian morality.
'Why did you decide to study philosophy?’ asked the Harvard professor, sitting in the park in his cream linen suit.

‘Because I want to find out how to live,’ I said. ‘I want to find out what matters and I want to live my life accordingly.’

He smiled affectionately, leaning forward in his deck chair.

‘If you want to find meaning, Pranay, don’t study philosophy. Go fish, become a carpenter, do anything. But don’t expect to find it by studying philosophy.’

Despite ‘the meaning of life’ being the topic that non-philosophers think philosophers work on, it’s actually been a very marginal topic in analytic philosophy. But for pretty much all of the past century, it was not the sort of thing that anyone worked on before getting tenure.

Does anything really matter? That’s what Tolstoy and I both want to know. And analytic philosophers don’t just refuse to answer this question – they couldn’t even ask it.

Does war matter? Principles transcend culture. Most of the world's ruling class meet the definition of psychopath. Philosophy tells us this can only end in revolt.