What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?

A: Most of the time, you get an onion with big ears. But once in a while, JUST once in a while, you get a piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes.
yeah, thats about 5/10

i have never been a one woman body part person, i like the whole package. though i have not dated or had sex with heavier set gals like yourself. i prefer the athletic build.
yeah, thats about 5/10

i have never been a one woman body part person, i like the whole package. though i have not dated or had sex with heavier set gals like yourself. i prefer the athletic build.
I prefer curvy women. But fat women are easier, so that's what I typically went for.
What do you get when you cross a pig with an auburn cheerleader?

Nothing. There are some things a pig just won't do.

don't quit your day job winterborn :)

Never planned on it. Although someone (who shall remain nameless) has repeatedly claimed I was fired from my job. Maybe it was for my bad jokes? lol
What's the hardest part about marrying a girl from michigan?

Getting the ring around her hoof.

What is the difference between an auburn cheerleader and a catfish?

One has whiskers and smells bad. And the other is a fish.
Why don't they drink Kool-Aid in michigan?

Cause they haven't figured out how to get 2 quarts in that little package.

Know why auburn grads put their diploma in the window of their car?

So they can use Handicapped Parking.
yurt had to actually read this on the internet, and go "hahaha, that's clever and funny. it's so funny and clever in fact, I am going to go post this on jpp!"