What do you think about Vice President Mike Pence?

Some Pence quotes:

"Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill."


"Greenhouse gases are real but mostly the result of volcanoes, hurricanes and underwater displacements."


"Republicans, from George Washington to George W. Bush, just have better ideas."


"Here we have perhaps the most disgraced President in the modern era, a man of unbridled passions, unfamiliar with the concept of shame." (Whaddya mean, who? Clinton!)


Oh yeah, and he thinks the bible story of creation should be taught in public schools as biology.
Do Trump haters hate Pence like they hate Trump? Mike Pence looks like a general in a suit to me.

He's so obviously loves the cock.

I don't hate Trump or Pence, but I do think they're horrible people. And while Pence would be a bad president, he'd be far better than Trump.
Do Trump haters hate Pence like they hate Trump? Mike Pence looks like a general in a suit to me.

I don't hate either one. Pence would be far less embarrassing to our international image. He also doesn't come with the bullying, braggart, and ugly personality of the Toadstool. Plus he's fairly scandal-free. That being said, I despise most of what he stands for, particularly his attitude towards our LGBT citizens.

What do you mean, he "looks like a general in a suit"?