what does a girl have to get banned here?

Wilhelm Zenz

Verified User
I've been banned from like a dozen debate forums for simply being too logical, maybe a bit too zealous, but mostly because people are jealous of my debate skills they are awesome, thank you for seeing i am the best and letting me remain to educate you
I've been banned from like a dozen debate forums for simply being too logical, maybe a bit too zealous, but mostly because people are jealous of my debate skills they are awesome, thank you for seeing i am the best and letting me remain to educate you

It is not difficult to be banned from most sites. I'm happy just to say my piece myself. Perhaps your brilliant debating skills and need to educate are getting up their noses? With me it was mostly anti-Zionism, socialism, a belief in democracy and other such way-out beliefs that bothered 'em all. :)
I've been banned from like a dozen debate forums for simply being too logical, maybe a bit too zealous, but mostly because people are jealous of my debate skills they are awesome, thank you for seeing i am the best and letting me remain to educate you

Well a lot of the times we hear that from someone they turn out to be a nutjob and that's why they get banned.

This is one of the most tolerant free speech English speaking political forums on the net. You want to get banned here? Talk or even reference or joke about kids and sex. That's the one thing that get's people banned real quick so check out rule 12B and read it well. As long as you don't violate that rule, spam, troll or dox members it's pretty difficult to get banned here.
I would put it to test if I were you!

Post a nudie of yourself and your phone number!

Please spare us if you are fat and ugly and not female though!!
Well a lot of the times we hear that from someone they turn out to be a nutjob and that's why they get banned.

This is one of the most tolerant free speech English speaking political forums on the net. You want to get banned here? Talk or even reference or joke about kids and sex. That's the one thing that get's people banned real quick so check out rule 12B and read it well. As long as you don't violate that rule, spam, troll or dox members it's pretty difficult to get banned here.

And of course, don't post personal information about other members.

And no threats of violence against anyone.

Another couple of big no-no's.

Common sense stuff, really.
I've been banned from like a dozen debate forums for simply being too logical, maybe a bit too zealous, but mostly because people are jealous of my debate skills they are awesome, thank you for seeing i am the best and letting me remain to educate you

we almost never ban people here, the only exception is when people can't help but violate like 1 of the 2 rules we have.
I've been banned from like a dozen debate forums for simply being too logical, maybe a bit too zealous, but mostly because people are jealous of my debate skills they are awesome, thank you for seeing i am the best and letting me remain to educate you

And of course, don't post personal information about other members.

And no threats of violence against anyone.

Another couple of big no-no's.

Common sense stuff, really.

Threats aren't against the rules. I don't advise it of course, but if you wanna think you sound tough by threatening to kick my ass have at it.