What does it mean to be a 'Progressive Democrat' or a 'Progressive Liberal'?


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Well, 'PROGRESSIVE' in leftist term means the steady rise of every brainwashed, dope smoking, easily led, tuned-out drop out from the sixties
that couldn't accept individual responsibility (it takes a village), and couldn't accept and relate to the current 'establishment', or to our competitive
market economy that was fueled by Capitalism. You could include the Kerry's, the Kennedy's and the Clinton's into the 60's drop out mix that helped
start their progressive apprenticeship of attending Ivy League Liberal college institutions where their initiation into the world of political science
was shaped from the teachings of pin-headed anti establishment Communist professors like Noam Chompsky or a Lionell West of Harvard.

The progressive path of 'Democrat Liberalism' that includes the people mentioned above fully subscribe to Karl Marx's philosophical theory of
creating a classless society where class struggle pit's the proletarian, composed of (industrial workers, makers of goods, or unions of today) against
the bourgeois or 'Capitalists' (in this case the Republicans, Conservatives, Capitalists, Entrepreneurs (like Trump and Musk), and pro Americans.

The Hildebeast Clinton is a true Marxist in that she riles Capitalists and Capitalism by promoting class warfare. Actually, every Democrat Liberal is
a true Marxist as they all engage in class warfare.
Well, 'PROGRESSIVE' in leftist term means the steady rise of every brainwashed, dope smoking, easily led, tuned-out drop out from the sixties
that couldn't accept individual responsibility (it takes a village), and couldn't accept and relate to the current 'establishment', or to our competitive
market economy that was fueled by Capitalism. You could include the Kerry's, the Kennedy's and the Clinton's into the 60's drop out mix that helped
start their progressive apprenticeship of attending Ivy League Liberal college institutions where their initiation into the world of political science
was shaped from the teachings of pin-headed anti establishment Communist professors like Noam Chompsky or a Lionell West of Harvard.

The progressive path of 'Democrat Liberalism' that includes the people mentioned above fully subscribe to Karl Marx's philosophical theory of
creating a classless society where class struggle pit's the proletarian, composed of (industrial workers, makers of goods, or unions of today) against
the bourgeois or 'Capitalists' (in this case the Republicans, Conservatives, Capitalists, Entrepreneurs (like Trump and Musk), and pro Americans.

The Hildebeast Clinton is a true Marxist in that she riles Capitalists and Capitalism by promoting class warfare. Actually, every Democrat Liberal is
a true Marxist as they all engage in class warfare.
You are genuinely fucked up, Libby.
I get the strong impression that you actually believe the depraved nonsense in your posts.

You certainly don't belong in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts ranks first nationally in education,
but you obviously didn't let any get on you.
Well, 'PROGRESSIVE' in leftist term means the steady rise of every brainwashed, dope smoking, easily led, tuned-out drop out from the sixties
that couldn't accept individual responsibility (it takes a village), and couldn't accept and relate to the current 'establishment', or to our competitive
market economy that was fueled by Capitalism. You could include the Kerry's, the Kennedy's and the Clinton's into the 60's drop out mix that helped
start their progressive apprenticeship of attending Ivy League Liberal college institutions where their initiation into the world of political science
was shaped from the teachings of pin-headed anti establishment Communist professors like Noam Chompsky or a Lionell West of Harvard.

The progressive path of 'Democrat Liberalism' that includes the people mentioned above fully subscribe to Karl Marx's philosophical theory of
creating a classless society where class struggle pit's the proletarian, composed of (industrial workers, makers of goods, or unions of today) against
the bourgeois or 'Capitalists' (in this case the Republicans, Conservatives, Capitalists, Entrepreneurs (like Trump and Musk), and pro Americans.

The Hildebeast Clinton is a true Marxist in that she riles Capitalists and Capitalism by promoting class warfare. Actually, every Democrat Liberal is
a true Marxist as they all engage in class warfare.
They both mean the person is a dickhead
You are genuinely fucked up, Libby.
I get the strong impression that you actually believe the depraved nonsense in your posts.

You certainly don't belong in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts ranks first nationally in education,
but you obviously didn't let any get on you.
I don't believe the facts from my OP? Show me where the Marxist agendas of the progressive dems and libs is any different then
what I detailed in the OP.
What are called 'Progressives' these days aren't actually 'Progressives', they're just sicko deviants and commies. They gush over fellow commies like this one:

Good ole Harry was best butt buddies with fellow card carrying commie and Founder of NAMBLA David Thorstad. Good ole Harry is famous and widely admired by Democrats for marching in Pride parades wearing "NAMBLA Walks With Me" signs. Somehow the article fails to even mention what the old pedophile was famous for.

Here is an article by good ole Harry's best buddy and fellow 'Progressive' in the commie rag Worker's Vanguard, promoting kiddie raping as 'normal'. pdf downoad.

Pages 4 and 5. The 'Progressives' were all butt hurt over Jesse Helms blocking Bill Clinton's efforts to approve NGO status for the ILGA, of which NAMBLA was a founding member and proud associate for over 17 years. That evul old right winger Helms actually objected to granting NGO status to gangs of 'Progressives' who advocated raping little boys!!! How unprogressive!