What Does It Say About America?


Verified User
What does it say about America when there’s no question that America’s next President will be the most unpopular and hated President in the history of the nation?

It says the duopoly Democrat and Republican dictatorship is conducted by people so crooked, when they die they have to be screwed into the ground and they govern over an asylum full of insane inmates.

Full Definition of democracy
plural democracies
a :* government by the people; especially :* rule of the majority
b :* a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
:* a political unit that has a democratic government
capitalized :* the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the United States <from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy — C. M. Roberts>
:* the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
:* the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges
a :* government by the people; especially :* rule of the majority

America is NOT a government 'by the people :* rule of the majority." a majority of the people cannot elect a President without a majority of the "ELECTORAL COLLEGE ELECTORS" America is NOT governed "by the people," America is governed by the "RULE OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW" moron commie!!!!!!!!!!
America is NOT a government 'by the people :* rule of the majority." a majority of the people cannot elect a President without a majority of the "ELECTORAL COLLEGE ELECTORS" America is NOT governed "by the people," America is governed by the "RULE OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW" moron commie!!!!!!!!!!

Is that a lot different than it is in your country?

What is the difference??
Is that a lot different than it is in your country?

What is the difference??

Who would expect a brain-dead commie to understand the difference between governing by mob rule majorities and a constitutional rule of law? NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!
Cruz: Trump has been on every side of every issue, and in the course of this debate maybe two extra sides!

And the Bobble-Head, Buck-Toothed, Bimbo, Brain-Dead Bitch Of Benghazi just lies about every issue and secretly admits to her walking dead underlings that she has Public positions on issues and private positions on the issues.
What does it say about America when there’s no question that America’s next President will be the most unpopular and hated President in the history of the nation?


Here, we go.....again??!!!


Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....you're thinkin' of the Popular Vote.....Majority Rule.....States' Rights, and all that.....back, when you could stop minorities from voting.

Actually asshole it was the DEMOCRATS that prevented the blacks from voting and racist DEMOCRATS were the "MAJORITY RULE" in the ols south and "DEMOCRACY" is "MAJORITY RULE" asshole!

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch!"

America was founded as a "CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC" asshole! The Constitutional rule of law trumps the whims and prejudices of the majority and protects the minorities.

Representatives of America's government though elected by a "democratic" election are sworn by oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and govern thereby. Representatives of America's government are NOT sworn to govern by the whims and prejudices of the majority assholes such as you asshole!
Actually asshole it was the DEMOCRATS that prevented the blacks from voting and racist DEMOCRATS were the "MAJORITY RULE" in the ols south and "DEMOCRACY" is "MAJORITY RULE" asshole!

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch!"

America was founded as a "CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC" asshole! The Constitutional rule of law trumps the whims and prejudices of the majority and protects the minorities.

Representatives of America's government though elected by a "democratic" election are sworn by oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and govern thereby. Representatives of America's government are NOT sworn to govern by the whims and prejudices of the majority assholes such as you asshole!

Poor Lil'Bobo
Actually asshole it was the DEMOCRATS that prevented the blacks from voting and racist DEMOCRATS were the "MAJORITY RULE" in the ols south and "DEMOCRACY" is "MAJORITY RULE" asshole!

"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch!"

America was founded as a "CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC" asshole! The Constitutional rule of law trumps the whims and prejudices of the majority and protects the minorities.

Representatives of America's government though elected by a "democratic" election are sworn by oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and govern thereby. Representatives of America's government are NOT sworn to govern by the whims and prejudices of the majority assholes such as you asshole!

Poor Lil'Bobo

His delusions DO have a tendency to make him overly-excitable.