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What does the JOHN stand for in the name DONALD JOHN TRUMP?
Here’s my answer for that:
Only cares about himself
Not a uniter
Actually, I had more than one candidate for the letters in JOHN. Here are some examples:
J: Jester: What Trump acts like at his pep rallies, his press briefings, and his debates.
O: Off-the-wall: Trump’s behavior over the past four years.
H: Haphazard: Trump’s approach to governing, and to handling Covid.
N: Nonsense: What we hear when Trump opens his mouth.
Here are a few more candidates for the letters in JOHN:
J: >Jail political opponents (as Putin would do); >Jealous of Obama’s legacy; >Jina (the word for “China” in Trumpese); >Jug head on MANY important issues; >Just make stuff up ... LOTS and LOTS of stuff
O: >Obese; >Oblivious to the obvious; >Odious to MANY; >Offensive to MANY; >Often unable to grasp non-trivial concepts; >Our democracy is in peril because of him; >Out of control; >Over 20 thousand lies in four years; >Overrated by his fans
H: >Habitual liar; >Habitual whiner; >Hate fair elections; >He, and he alone, CAN’T fix it; >He called Democratic Covid concerns a “hoax”; they were NOT; >He called Covid news reports “fake news”; they were NOT; >He is a KNOW-NOTHING know-it-all; >He is the LAWLESS law-and-order president; >Herd immunity mentality; >His great and unmatched STUPIDITY is known all around the world; >His pep rallies = superspreader events; >His “very good brain” is in his own mind; >Human scum
N: >NATO hater; >Natural-born crook; >No intellectual curiosity; >Not a listener; >Not a reader; >Not in touch with reality on MANY issues
And here are a few more candidates for the letters in JOHN:
>Just thinks about himself; for example:
- at his pep rallies, he deliberately puts his fans at risk for Covid, while he takes precautions to protect himself from it
- he has destroyed millions of dollars worth of Post Office equipment for his political gain; as a result, he has $crewed the taxpayers who paid for that equipment, and he has $crewed the people who rely on the Post Office to make their lives easier
- he is working hard to disenfranchise millions of non-Trump fans for his political gain, and thus deny them of their sacred Constitutional right to vote
- he favors a “herd immunity” strategy to “combat” the virus; the scientists and medical experts say that this strategy could kill MILLIONS of us; he is ok with that, because he thinks that he is now immune to the virus
>On Covid:
- he is unable to see that the KEY to improving the economy is CONTROLLING the virus (unlike Biden)
- he is unable to see that PROPER testing is a CRITICAL part of that key, and he is unable to see WHAT “proper testing” is (unlike Biden)
> On Covid testing:
- at times, it SEEMS like he thinks that the TOTAL number of cases is the same as the number of KNOWN cases (which is ascertained by testing), AND that less testing will keep the total number of cases down
- if he DOES think that, then he is TOTALLY clueless about those numbers
- if he does NOT think that, then he wants less testing in order to make himself look good, and thus to benefit him politically; and because testing is critical to controlling the virus, by doing less testing, he will be prolonging the virus problem
>He calls real news “fake news “, because they tell the ugly truth about him
>He is ok with fake news, because they praise him
>He is now saying that he ended the virus pandemic; unfortunately, the virus ignored his memo
>Herd immunity fan: a strategy that scientists and medical experts say will cost MILLIONS of American lives
>His formula for winning an election: Winning = Lying + Cheating
>His October surprise for us: MANY more Covid cases
>Hold rallies that are reminiscent of the Hitler and Mussolini rallies
>Hospitals are running out of beds because of too many Covid cases
>Hurricane relief plan for Puerto Rico: throw paper towels at people
>His border wall policy = DISRUPTION; for example: disruption of families with family members on both sides of the border; disruption of wildlife migrations; disruption of ecosystems associated with that wildlife; and disruption of livelihoods that depend on those ecosystems
>Historic presidential achievements; for example: GREATEST con artist to hold office (DON-the-CON); MOST corrupt president (DIRTY DON); MOST prolific liar to hold the office (the LYIN’ KING)
>Hypocrite; for example:
- ASSASSINATE a protester accused of killing a pro-Trump anarchist, and PRAISE a pro-Trump anarchist who was filmed killing two protesters and attempting to kill a third
- attack Joe Biden for having ties to China, when HE has ties to China, including business pursuits and a bank account
- attack Hunter Biden for having ties to China, when HIS DAUGHTER has ties to China, including trademarks that she acquired while she was working for the White House (i.e., that she acquired on OUR dime)
>He is willing to make GREAT sacrifices for us:
- he is willing to sacrifice our democracy for his political benefit
- he is willing to sacrifice our livelihoods and our lives for his political benefit
>NEEDLESS loss of livelihoods and lives, because of his GROSS mismanagement of the virus
>Not into governing as much as he is into pep rallies, tweeting, and golfing
I’m going to stop now. I could go on longer, because it’s EASY to think of more candidates for the letters in JOHN. I can see why Colbert and others NEVER run out of Trump material, because in so MANY ways, he is a BUFFOON.
Unfortunately for us, he’s a VERY DANGEROUS buffoon, because he’s the Buffoon-in-Chief.
Here’s my answer for that:
Only cares about himself
Not a uniter
Actually, I had more than one candidate for the letters in JOHN. Here are some examples:
J: Jester: What Trump acts like at his pep rallies, his press briefings, and his debates.
O: Off-the-wall: Trump’s behavior over the past four years.
H: Haphazard: Trump’s approach to governing, and to handling Covid.
N: Nonsense: What we hear when Trump opens his mouth.
Here are a few more candidates for the letters in JOHN:
J: >Jail political opponents (as Putin would do); >Jealous of Obama’s legacy; >Jina (the word for “China” in Trumpese); >Jug head on MANY important issues; >Just make stuff up ... LOTS and LOTS of stuff
O: >Obese; >Oblivious to the obvious; >Odious to MANY; >Offensive to MANY; >Often unable to grasp non-trivial concepts; >Our democracy is in peril because of him; >Out of control; >Over 20 thousand lies in four years; >Overrated by his fans
H: >Habitual liar; >Habitual whiner; >Hate fair elections; >He, and he alone, CAN’T fix it; >He called Democratic Covid concerns a “hoax”; they were NOT; >He called Covid news reports “fake news”; they were NOT; >He is a KNOW-NOTHING know-it-all; >He is the LAWLESS law-and-order president; >Herd immunity mentality; >His great and unmatched STUPIDITY is known all around the world; >His pep rallies = superspreader events; >His “very good brain” is in his own mind; >Human scum
N: >NATO hater; >Natural-born crook; >No intellectual curiosity; >Not a listener; >Not a reader; >Not in touch with reality on MANY issues
And here are a few more candidates for the letters in JOHN:
>Just thinks about himself; for example:
- at his pep rallies, he deliberately puts his fans at risk for Covid, while he takes precautions to protect himself from it
- he has destroyed millions of dollars worth of Post Office equipment for his political gain; as a result, he has $crewed the taxpayers who paid for that equipment, and he has $crewed the people who rely on the Post Office to make their lives easier
- he is working hard to disenfranchise millions of non-Trump fans for his political gain, and thus deny them of their sacred Constitutional right to vote
- he favors a “herd immunity” strategy to “combat” the virus; the scientists and medical experts say that this strategy could kill MILLIONS of us; he is ok with that, because he thinks that he is now immune to the virus
>On Covid:
- he is unable to see that the KEY to improving the economy is CONTROLLING the virus (unlike Biden)
- he is unable to see that PROPER testing is a CRITICAL part of that key, and he is unable to see WHAT “proper testing” is (unlike Biden)
> On Covid testing:
- at times, it SEEMS like he thinks that the TOTAL number of cases is the same as the number of KNOWN cases (which is ascertained by testing), AND that less testing will keep the total number of cases down
- if he DOES think that, then he is TOTALLY clueless about those numbers
- if he does NOT think that, then he wants less testing in order to make himself look good, and thus to benefit him politically; and because testing is critical to controlling the virus, by doing less testing, he will be prolonging the virus problem
>He calls real news “fake news “, because they tell the ugly truth about him
>He is ok with fake news, because they praise him
>He is now saying that he ended the virus pandemic; unfortunately, the virus ignored his memo
>Herd immunity fan: a strategy that scientists and medical experts say will cost MILLIONS of American lives
>His formula for winning an election: Winning = Lying + Cheating
>His October surprise for us: MANY more Covid cases
>Hold rallies that are reminiscent of the Hitler and Mussolini rallies
>Hospitals are running out of beds because of too many Covid cases
>Hurricane relief plan for Puerto Rico: throw paper towels at people
>His border wall policy = DISRUPTION; for example: disruption of families with family members on both sides of the border; disruption of wildlife migrations; disruption of ecosystems associated with that wildlife; and disruption of livelihoods that depend on those ecosystems
>Historic presidential achievements; for example: GREATEST con artist to hold office (DON-the-CON); MOST corrupt president (DIRTY DON); MOST prolific liar to hold the office (the LYIN’ KING)
>Hypocrite; for example:
- ASSASSINATE a protester accused of killing a pro-Trump anarchist, and PRAISE a pro-Trump anarchist who was filmed killing two protesters and attempting to kill a third
- attack Joe Biden for having ties to China, when HE has ties to China, including business pursuits and a bank account
- attack Hunter Biden for having ties to China, when HIS DAUGHTER has ties to China, including trademarks that she acquired while she was working for the White House (i.e., that she acquired on OUR dime)
>He is willing to make GREAT sacrifices for us:
- he is willing to sacrifice our democracy for his political benefit
- he is willing to sacrifice our livelihoods and our lives for his political benefit
>NEEDLESS loss of livelihoods and lives, because of his GROSS mismanagement of the virus
>Not into governing as much as he is into pep rallies, tweeting, and golfing
I’m going to stop now. I could go on longer, because it’s EASY to think of more candidates for the letters in JOHN. I can see why Colbert and others NEVER run out of Trump material, because in so MANY ways, he is a BUFFOON.
Unfortunately for us, he’s a VERY DANGEROUS buffoon, because he’s the Buffoon-in-Chief.