What does this look like to you?


The remora of JPP
I am testing out a software but I want to know what you see in this and listen to your opinion.

Those sound bar keeping going into the red zone? This is my voice.

And yes I am a very loud and heavy breathing person. So sue me.

Bah, prohibition goobers. Americans like alcohol.

That red zone in the sound bar is me. I am a very loud individual. I can destroy your eardrums just like that. Think F-16 or a Harrier taking off. Boom.

I will win, guaranteed. Those that covered their ears attest to it.
People will hear me miles away when I see Communists/Fascists/Traitors/Any other traitors.

I am that loud. The had a documentary on this lady that was so loud the cows all looked at her from yards away.

True story.

I think I will win the competition. Maybe I should gargle with a spring water and a mouthwash?
This one is how frustrated I am. The past red line is what you should be worrying about.

I am very neutral about everything.

This is my voice. I can go past it.
