What Donald Trump Will Never Understand About Jews

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Our loyalty to this country is precisely why we fight bigotry

The president of the United States called the vast majority of American Jews stupid or disloyal.

You don’t need me to rehash the details, or to be the 10,000th person to attempt to find new English words to describe how heinous, twisted, and dangerous this statement is. What we need to do today as a community is decide how to respond. First, though, we need to sit with it for a moment. Despite the seemingly endless onslaught of anti-Semitism in America today, this one is important because it came directly from the president.

The real either/or here isn’t whether American Jews are dumb or evil—it’s whether the president of the United States is. Personally, I think he is both. There is ample evidence of profound stupidity as well as mind-numbing coarseness, but I also know that it doesn’t matter because in his case the consequences are the same for the Jews, and they are frightening.

President Trump is well aware that the vast majority of American Jews voted against him and are loyal to the Democratic Party. He is well aware that the vast majority of the Jewish members of Congress are Democrats. The idea that the Democratic Party stands against Israel is certifiably false. Regardless of how you feel about Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar—I find them contemptible, not least for lying to Jewish voters during election season about their views on a two-state solution and BDS—they are two junior members of the Democratic Party. They do not represent the majority, or even a sizable faction within the party.

Our loyalty to this country is precisely why we fight bigotry

LIE and LAME. Leftists have no loyalty to America and impugn her and her leaders at every opportunity. The only loyalty ever shown by Marxist leaning leftists is to political power.

The president of the United States called the vast majority of American Jews stupid or disloyal.

LIE and LAME. Provide it with his exact quote. Your lying is hitting pathological proportions.

Despite the seemingly endless onslaught of anti-Semitism in America today, this one is important because it came directly from the president.

Nothing this President has ever said is anti-Semitic you pathological liar. :rolleyes:
Our loyalty to this country is precisely why we fight bigotry

Look in the mirror then. Trumps son, daughter, and grandchildren are Jewish. Are yours? Who the fuck are you to say " What Donald Trump Will Never Understand About Jew"

What Trump said was one-hundred percent correct. Today's Democrats are anti-semites, and-religion, and anti-zionists. Any Jew who votes for them IS an idiot.

Since 1916, American Jews have overwhelmingly supported Democratic presidential candidates, with the 2016 election being no exception. Donald Trump would really like to change that trend though, and on Tuesday, he unveiled his strategy for winning over the constituency: 1930s-era anti-Semitism.

Trump said Tuesday that Jewish people who vote for Democrats are either ignorant or disloyal as he railed against two congresswomen who have been critical of the U.S.-Israel alliance.

“I think Jewish people that vote for a Democrat—I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” Trump told reporters during an Oval Office meeting with the president of Romania.

Oh yeah! Nothing like a good anti-Semitic trope about “dual loyalty” to reel in that Jew vote! It’s a bit like when Trump nabbed 8% of the black vote in 2016 by calling African Americans poor, uneducated, and unemployed. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Herr Trump’s latest remark comes as he and his Republican cohort have attempted to persuade Jewish voters to come to the other side by claiming that freshman Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, who have criticized the right wing Israeli government, are the “face” of the Democratic Party, and that any vote for a Democrat is a vote for individuals who “hate Israel and hate Jewish people.” That plan appears unlikely to work, not only because polls show that the vast majority of American Jews despise Trump, but also because:

He literally just accused millions of Jews of being unintelligent and/or traitors;

He once said there were “very fine people on both sides” of a white supremacist rally in which marchers carried Nazi signs and chanted things like “Jews will not replace us”;

He tweeted a picture of Hillary Clinton’s face, on top of a pile of cash, next to a Star of David containing the phrase “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!”;

He ran a campaign ad that included the images of three Jewish people—George Soros, Janet Yellen, and Lloyd Blankfein—while warning that a secretive “global power structure” is to blame for economic policies that have “robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities”;

He suggested that Soros, a favorite bogeyman among white nationalists and neo-Nazis, was funding last year’s migrant caravan—feeding into one of the most hateful, virulent, and dangerous anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the moment.

At a time when anti-Semitic incidents have increased—due to the president’s emboldening of white nationalism—Trump is repeating an anti-Semitic trope. If this is about Israel, then Trump is repeating a dual loyalty claim, which is a form of anti-Semitism. If this is about Jews being ‘loyal’ to him, then Trump needs a reality check.”


Look in the mirror then. Trumps son, daughter, and grandchildren are Jewish. Are yours? Who the fuck are you to say " What Donald Trump Will Never Understand About Jew"

What Trump said was one-hundred percent correct. Today's Democrats are anti-semites, and-religion, and anti-zionists. Any Jew who votes for them IS an idiot.

you are one uber ignorant goyim


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Trump’s disloyalty lie about Jews echoes a blood-soaked anti-Semitic slur

Trump accused American Jews who vote for Democrats of “great disloyalty,” he invoked an anti-Semitic trope that is not just offensive but also historically lethal.

Like the racist fear of African American men assaulting white women, the idea that Jews are suspect citizens of their home nations is deep-seated, pernicious and blood-soaked. It persists over time, from Exodus to the Gospel of Matthew in the (goyims)Bible, from the ovens of Auschwitz to last year’s massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue. Hearing it echoed from the White House is not only chilling but also representative of yet another way the Trump administration is eroding American values. It denies a fundamental American value: e pluribus unum — out of many, one.

The virus of the Jewish disloyalty slur took root in the U.S. as well. Henry Ford, America’s preeminent anti-Semite, published a set of pamphlets, “The International Jew,” that spread the lies of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the New World.

Today, the perfidy proliferates in two forms. First is the accusation that Jews are secretly loyal to Israel above their own nations. Trump echoed this in a follow-up to his disloyalty comments. A reporter asked to whom Democratic Jews were disloyal and he answered, “Israel.” The second is associated with the white genocide theory, also called the Great Replacement, which sees a Jewish conspiracy in immigration. It lies behind claims that George Soros is driving “caravans” to the U.S. (which Trump has also repeated) and inspired the Tree of Life synagogue shooter.
