What EXACTLY is racism and who gets to define who is and isn't a racist?

Boris The Animal

It's Just Boris!
Speaking for myself, I am about as Conservative as they come. Pro-Life, pro-traditional family, anti BIG government, and so forth. But what about my views on race? I hear all the wild accusations all the time from our resident Communists that all Conservatives are racist. That in order for one not to be a racist, one also has to be a Liberal. And that just is not true. Racists exist in all sorts of ways, including Leftists. And in my case, I do not suffer racist fools of any stripe.
The dictionary definition is pretty straightforward, but retarded liberals like to make up phoney balogna definitions whereby minorities can't be racist.
Speaking for myself, I am about as Conservative as they come. Pro-Life, pro-traditional family, anti BIG government, and so forth. But what about my views on race? I hear all the wild accusations all the time from our resident Communists that all Conservatives are racist. That in order for one not to be a racist, one also has to be a Liberal. And that just is not true. Racists exist in all sorts of ways, including Leftists. And in my case, I do not suffer racist fools of any stripe.

No you do not hear that. at least when others are around. In a group of Reds, you will all agree that the left in saying that. They are not. you are making it up. Like I said before, not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republicans.
Speaking for myself, I am about as Conservative as they come. Pro-Life, pro-traditional family, anti BIG government, and so forth. But what about my views on race? I hear all the wild accusations all the time from our resident Communists that all Conservatives are racist. That in order for one not to be a racist, one also has to be a Liberal. And that just is not true. Racists exist in all sorts of ways, including Leftists. And in my case, I do not suffer racist fools of any stripe.

If it's a civil discussion you're after, you might try not calling everyone who doesn't believe the same as you "Communists." It's absurd and just makes ppl defensive.

I would define racism as an individual or institutional negative treatment of a person based on their perceived race or other physical ethnic characteristics. It can be as overt as calling someone a perjorative like the n-word, or as subtle as a restaurant hostess being slower to acknowledge and seat a different-race couple than she does same-race customers. Institutional examples would be things like police pulling over ppl of one race at a higher rate than ppl of another race, for the same alleged infractions (tail light out, failure to signal a turn).

Who gets to define it on a personal basis? I would say those who feel that they have been the target of a racial insult of some sort. BTW, white ppl are not the sole dispensers of racial mistreatment; they can also be the recipients. Here's a boring personal anecdote for you. Several decades ago I worked as an operator for Western Union, back when they did telegrams as well as money orders. One of the supervisors was a lovely black woman who had a hate-on for whites. The sups had the ability to plug into the system and listen in on our calls to make sure we were providing quality customer service and selling extras which was WU's bread-and-butter. Nora targeted the white girls far more often than the black ones, and frequently publicly and loudly chastised the white employees for things like taking too-frequent breaks, while ignoring it when the black workers did the same thing. Occasionally if I was assigned to her room I got picked on as well. One day I was extra tired and crabby and had a horrible migraine. Unplugged from my console and got up to go to the restroom to take an Excedrin. She stood up (their desk was at the front of the room) and started yelling at me to sit back down and where did I think I was going? I snapped. Marched up to her, got in her face, and said "I'm sick of you picking on me. I'm not your fucking dog and you WILL NOT EVER talk to me like that again. Do you hear me!?" The room got quiet as a tomb while everyone put their customers on hold to watch me go down in flames. Instead, she said "I'm sorry." When I came back she asked if I was okay (it was pretty obvious I was sick) and did I want to go home. After that, she would come sit by me in the lunch room and bring her posse along too. I wouldn't say that we were ever friends but at least there was detente. She was a bully, and got away with it because mgmt wanted that.
No you do not hear that. at least when others are around. In a group of Reds, you will all agree that the left in saying that. They are not. you are making it up. Like I said before, not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republicans.

You must not know many Democrats.
No you do not hear that. at least when others are around. In a group of Reds, you will all agree that the left in saying that. They are not. you are making it up. Like I said before, not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republicans.

Wow, the sheer stupidity is impressive. Out of the 150 million plus Democrats, Independents, Greens, Libertarians... not a single racist. I don't put people on ignore because I'm not a pussy, but my God, I think I lost a few IQ points reading that. Good thing I've got a lot to spare. You sir take today's ignoramus award, congratulations.
No you do not hear that. at least when others are around. In a group of Reds, you will all agree that the left in saying that. They are not. you are making it up. Like I said before, not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republicans.

That is so ignorant as to hope it is trolling but with you I don't think it is.
No you do not hear that. at least when others are around. In a group of Reds, you will all agree that the left in saying that. They are not. you are making it up. Like I said before, not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republicans.
Another open fallacy.
I will ask the Op, what is pro-life? Most repubs you meet online will be pro-life, but be quite in favor of the death penalty. That is not pro-life.
I will ask the Op, what is pro-life? Most repubs you meet online will be pro-life, but be quite in favor of the death penalty. That is not pro-life.

I am against the death penalty but pro-torture. I'd much rather the three sub humans that murdered two friends and an uncle beg to be allowed to commit suicide.
Bias simply means a preference towards one thing over another. Racism, on the other hand, means acting on the bias in a negative fashion.
Does that mean discussing what was done during MLK day activities? In an academic setting? Perhaps mention of a menu or a workshop? Just curious....
Wow, the sheer stupidity is impressive. Out of the 150 million plus Democrats, Independents, Greens, Libertarians... not a single racist. I don't put people on ignore because I'm not a pussy, but my God, I think I lost a few IQ points reading that. Good thing I've got a lot to spare. You sir take today's ignoramus award, congratulations.

Democrats are the biggest racists of all, especially the black ones.
Bias simply means a preference towards one thing over another. Racism, on the other hand, means acting on the bias in a negative fashion.

Racists believe that another race is inferior. When calling somebody a racist, one needs to be able to identify which race the alleged racist believes to be inferior. The race that the racist believes to be inferior also needs to be an actual race, not Religions like Muslims, or a nationality like Mexican. Racism is about race.
I will ask the Op, what is pro-life? Most repubs you meet online will be pro-life, but be quite in favor of the death penalty. That is not pro-life.

The Death Penalty falls under the "power of the sword" that Paul alludes to in the Book of Romans as being God ordained to civilian authorities. The unborn baby did nothing wrong to merit a death sentence all for the sake of "choice".