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Hillary Clinton is sending a message of thanks to "activist bitches supporting bitches."

The former secretary of State and DEMOCRAT presidential nominee made the comments in a video posted to Twitter on Friday by Huffington Post commentator Alex Mohajer.

"Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks," Clinton says in the video. "Thanks for your feminism, for your activism, and all I can hope is you keep up the really important, good work."

Off-screen, someone can be heard saying, "activist bitches supporting bitches," which Clinton then repeats, laughing.

"And let me just say, this is directed to the activist bitches supporting bitches, so let's go," she says.

It's unclear exactly when or where the video was taken.

It was posted on social media hours after The New York Times published a report revealing that Clinton kept a top adviser on her 2008 campaign after he was accused by a campaign staffer of sexual harassment.

Clinton responded to the report Friday night on Twitter, saying that she called the young woman to tell her that she was "proud" of her for coming forward and that all women "deserve to be heard."

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Think they do housework?

Feminist heroes - They helped a girl with an abortion


Three more people have been sentenced for jumping on a pregnant teen’s belly to force an abortion after she was raped.

According to court records, 47-year-old Sharon Jones was sentenced to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to family violence assault.

Her daughter, 28-year-old Cecilia McDonald, and son, 29-year-old Cedric Jones, Jr., pleaded guilty to the same charge. They got seven and five years respectively.

29-year-old Lonnell McDonald was also sentenced to 10 years for aggravated assault.

According to an arrest warrant affidavit, the victim in the case was raped and impregnated by her older brother when she was just 13-years-old.

She was living with relatives at the time and when they found out about what happened they got nervous because they didn’t want Child Protective Services removing their children.

Police said the relatives took matters into their own hands.

Sharon Jones allegedly gave the girl emergency contraception pills.

When that didn’t work, the affidavit states Cecilia McDonald held the girl’s arms while Lonnell McDonald sat on her pregnant belly and bounced.

Cedric Jones then came over to the house and proceeded to kick and punch the girl repeatedly.

The teen was about eight months pregnant at the time and delivered a stillborn baby a few hours later. She was never given any medical attention.

The affidavit also states the suspects tried to dispose of the baby’s body on a charcoal grill.

When that didn’t work, Sharon Jones paid Cedric Jones $25 to stash it in an unknown location.

Child Protective Services removed seven children from the home after police got involved. The victim lived with a foster family after the arrests.

The victim’s brother, 24-year-old Robert Cayald, was arrested for raping her. His case is still pending because he was found incompetent to stand trial.

Hillary protected a sexual harasser, stuck by him, & covered it up. No, not Bill

Hillary Clinton allowed an adviser to her 2008 campaign to stay on staff despite allegations that he had sexually harassed a younger woman who worked under him.

A 30-year-old campaign subordinate accused Burns Strider of kissing her forehead, rubbing her shoulders, and sending her suggestive emails during the 2008 campaign, according to the New York Times.

When the allegations were communicated to the candidate herself, the Times reported, she refused to fire him.

Strider went on to work for Correct the Record, an independent group set up by one of Ms Clinton’s close friends to support her 2016 campaign.
