What Friends I Have...

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Friday Night:
I'm riding shotgun with my (hair undone!!) friend Carlos en route through the Crown Hill district of Seattle to his house in the north end where we will crash after an evening of drinking in the Freemont district. He does 47 in a 30 and gets pulled over by the DUI patrol. He does a sobriety test and then gets cuffed and taken away, and his car gets impounded. I have to catch a cab to his house where my car is parked, and find somewhere else to crash. Since I have a key to my parent's house, I sneak in and sleep on the couch downstairs. He calls me a little later from the station where he has beat two breathilizers, and the cop has failed to convince anyone to go after him for even reckless endangerment. They ultimately give him a speeding ticket and send him on his merry way.

Saturday Afternoon:
My girlfriend Susie and I are hanging out at Northgate Mall. Since the weather is shitty, we can't go to the park or make-out at the beach waiting for the sunset, so we go to the movie theatre accross the street. She convinces me to buy one set of tickets (I apply my military discount) for Life, as We Know It and then sneak into The Social Network with her, which we do, and have a great time, as the second feature is awesome.

Bunch of criminals, I swear!!
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Carlos was supposed to go shooting with his dad yesterday. He's going to celebrate his next birthday at the range, so I am going to learn to fire a 9mm Taurus which is the closest thing to the AF's beloved M-9.
ok for starters if it wasnt' your friend driving, it would have been you. Don't knock your buddy driving you around especially when you are willing to get in the car with him. (plus he passed his breathalizers so what the eff is the problem??)

Secondly, why did you buy tickets to one movie only to go to another?
Grind: I was not angry at him, I was worried for him. The guy is technically still a Filipino immigrant and does not yet have his citizenship. Since he has numerous relatives who are already citizens, I doubt he could jeopardize it, but he could certainly delay it as well. I just think its funny that he does it a lot. Plus, I would have personally skipped driving through places like Ballard and Crown Hill and just taken I-5.

Furthermore, I bought tickets for one movie and watched two. Its called sneaking-in, pay attention please.

Billy: I agree that the M-9 is gay. When I buy a gun, it will be a .45
Friday Night:
I'm riding shotgun with my (hair undone!!) friend Carlos en route through the Crown Hill district of Seattle to his house in the north end where we will crash after an evening of drinking in the Freemont district. He does 47 in a 30 and gets pulled over by the DUI patrol. He does a sobriety test and then gets cuffed and taken away, and his car gets impounded. I have to catch a cab to his house where my car is parked, and find somewhere else to crash. Since I have a key to my parent's house, I sneak in and sleep on the couch downstairs. He calls me a little later from the station where he has beat two breathilizers, and the cop has failed to convince anyone to go after him for even reckless endangerment. They ultimately give him a speeding ticket and send him on his merry way.

Saturday Afternoon:
My girlfriend Susie and I are hanging out at Northgate Mall. Since the weather is shitty, we can't go to the park or make-out at the beach waiting for the sunset, so we go to the movie theatre accross the street. She convinces me to buy one set of tickets (I apply my military discount) for Life, as We Know It and then sneak into The Social Network with her, which we do, and have a great time, as the second feature is awesome.

Bunch of criminals, I swear!!
Uhh..you're right out there on the edge 3D you rebel you!