What global warming? Staggering study says temperatures rose more BEFORE 1997

cancel2 2022


A PANEL of esteemed scientists, some of who have campaigned for more action to tackle climate change, has concluded a controversial 17-year "pause" of global warming DID happen, and the world is heating up more SLOWLY now than before the Millennium.

The team of experts, including scientist Michael Mann ,who helped draw up the initial figures of how much the earth was likely to heat up by, say they have disproved evidence used by world leaders before the Paris climate change conference in November Those figures disputed there had been a major slow down in temperature increases in the 17 years from 1997 to 2014.

In a paper entitled Making sense of the early-2000s warming slowdown published in Nature Climate Change, the scientists, instead claimed that global warming slowed down during a period that saw an increase in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

They wrote: "It has been claimed that the early-2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterised by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations. The evidence presented here contradicts these claims." Their findings contradict a study produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) last year which claimed the “Pause” did not happen.

The team did not conclude global warming had completely stopped, but that the rate of increase over the period was lower than in previous decades despite green house gasses increasing throughout the period in question.


Michael Mann

"This slowdown is evident in time series of GMST and in the global mean temperature of the lower troposphere." Climate change sceptics are celebrating the paper's conclusions. US political commentator James Delingpole wrote on Brietbart.com: "The findings represent a tremendous blow to the climate alarmist ‘consensus’, which has long sought to deny the ‘pause’s’ existence. "The study was published in Nature Climate Change a fervently alarmist journal which rarely if ever runs papers that cast doubt on the man-made-global-warming scare narrative.

"What’s novel about this new study in Nature Climate Change, though, is that it’s not sceptics and Republicans doing the mocking and the debunking - it’s the kind of people who in the past were very much in the alarmist camp, including – bizarrely – none other than Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann, who co-authored the paper.

"In the meantime let us all draw comfort from the fact that a) the alarmists are finally being forced to concede that their sceptic adversaries are right and b) that they are starting to turn on one another.

"What we have here, in other words, is signs of a major rift within the climate alarmist camp with different factions adopting different tactics to cope with the failure of their collapsing narrative." He said Mr Mann and his colleagues had produced a paper in which "finally they concede what sceptics have been saying for many years: that there has been no ‘global warming’ since 1998”.

Mann is now a denier?
Guess he wants to retain some sense of credibility

Yes he seems to have had his own personal road to Damascus! Not surprising that the warmists are keeping very quiet about this, it makes them look very stupid. I have never liked that term denier, it is only used as a derogatory word by ignorant arseholes. Anybody who knows the first thing about the scientific method knows that scepticism is at the very heart of science, obviously it is impossible to get that across to cretins like Leon, Legion and Desh.
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Yes he seems to have had his own personal road to Damascus! Not surprising that the warmists are keeping very quiet about this, it makes them look very stupid. I have never liked that term denier, it is only used as a derogatory word by ignorant arseholes. Anybody who knows the first thing about the scientific method knows that scepticism is at the very heart of science, obviously it is impossible to get that across to cretins like Leon, Legion and Desh.

It is so ironic that those who seem to know nothing at all about science cry it loudest.
gee why are all the scientists in the world not agreeing with you climate deniers?

Then build a boat

I don't much give a fuck about it even if it is true. It isn't. But, even if it is, I still wouldn't give a flying fuck about it

You don't either because you don't do shit about it
so has you hero here convinced the scientific world yet with his "evidence"?

You must be the stupidest person on JPP and that is saying a lot!! Michael Mann is famous for the Hockey Stick graph which started much of this hysteria in the first place. He is fortunately a scientist at the end of the day and responds to new evidence. You are just a dozy broad who is only barely able to look up stuff on Wiki.
you are fucking stupid

we don't do what the stupid people say we should do

we do what the smart people who know things and don't HATE other humans for no fucking reason like you do

You are a scab on society

you have outlived your use

fall off already
you are fucking stupid

we don't do what the stupid people say we should do

we do what the smart people who know things and don't HATE other humans for no fucking reason like you do

You are a scab on society

you have outlived your use

fall off already

But you aren't doing anything other than raging on the interwebs. So you aren't even that serious about it.
so has you hero here convinced the scientific world yet with his "evidence"?

Michael Mann and Phil Jones made the Hockey Stick graph and paper your.so called 97% looked at.
Now he realized it was wrong. Your team is.down to Al Gore and Leo Dicaprio.
I'm going to call out you evil fucking racist liars

Wow that should really help. As long as you don't have to do anything meaningful right?

So I could just say I agree with you and keep spewing all of my carbon like I always do and you would be a happy clam?