APP - What goes around comes around

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
For over 40 years Carl Bernstein has made a fortune off of one thing and that was that he was able to take down a President. He really hasn't done anything of note since then. Talk about a one hit wonder.

But, it has all come crashing to an end as he tried to reprise his Nixon take down with President Trump.

There was one problem with the take down attempt, it failed miserably. Now they are trying to cover it up. Lanny Davis knew he stepped in it when the Vox article came out stating that Michael Cohen testified before Congress that Trump did not know about the Trump Tower meeting beforehand.

Now good ole Lanny had a problem. If he went forth with the story he leaked to CNN, his client perjured himself in front of Congress. Not a good thing. I am sure Michael Cohen had a sit down with Lanny and said "Look, I agreed to your bogus charges, but I am not taking a perjury rap for you"

Funny you don't hear anyone on the nets talking about the fake news

Should we call it BernsteinGate? CarlGate? CNNGate?