What happened, Japan?


That pillow is his girlfriend, btw. He's in love with it and carries it around in public places. It's actually a new phenomenon in Japan.
If there's one thing the Japanese aren't, it's sexually repressed. The Japanese could use a little sexual repression.

they were sexually repressed at one time which then brought them to the point of girls underwear in vending machines.
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they were sexually repressed at one time which then brought them to the point of girls underwear in vending machines.
Dude, I've dated two Japanese chicks. Skidmarks right. There the least sexually repressed women I ever dated. I think their attitudes about sex are best expressed by Andrew Zimmern. "If it tastes good, eat it!". They were very playful and fun when it came to sex. They certainly weren't the submissive little asian boot wipes most American men stereotype them as, that's for sure. Never mistake a Japanese ladies politeness for being submissive. It's a good way to lose your testicles. Those petite little doll babies can have the heart, ferocity and cunning of a tigress and you better remember that if you ever have the great good fortune to date one. Wonderful women the Japanese are.