What happened to Sweden II

Norway's integration minister says we can't be like Sweden. Even Sweden's closest neighbour acknowledge that Sweden have real problems with its irresponsible immigration policy. Norway is going to impose strict rules on immigrants and make it harder for immigrants

I got about 5 seconds in before I stopped watching. More white nationalist garbage.

Once upon a time, there was a shitposter named watermark.

One day, he called out to OP: "OP, Please do not threadban me, I wish to participate in political discourse with you!"

OP responded, "I am sorry, but I must threadban you, for you have aspergers and will surely tard up my thread with your bullshit"

The shitposter replied, "I will do no such thing, for if I do, we will have both wasted our day trading barbs, ultimately feeling unaccomplished, dissatisfied, frustrated, and useless..."

OP thought about this for a moment and agreed to not threadban watermark.

The thread soon started, and posting had begun. It opened with a meme circa 2012 and hit the 1-2 punch with a forward from grandma.

After a few posts had been made, watermark started ranting that all conservatives should be imprisoned, and that the unwashed masses should overthrow the 1st world imperialists.

OP exclaimed, "why watermark, why! Now we will surely just dick around all day trolling each other and we'll have accomplished nothing! We will feel utterly useless and this thread will be garbage!"

Watermark replied coldly and without emotion, "I am sorry OP, but you should have known - I am a shitposter with aspergers... it is my nature."

The thread was eventually closed upon request, and quickly dropped off of page 1 never to be seen again.