What happened to the CoronaTask Force?


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Been a while since we have heard from Dr. Fauci and the task force.
Did tRump finally realize that he couldn't skew the facts anymore? Given that he could care less about how many lives his ineptness caused, I guess he decided that he had more re-election fish to fry. After all, what's a few hundred thousand deaths to a wannabe DICKtator anway.
The facts they offered the American people contradicted the narrative Trump wanted to project, who needs Science around to remind people of the realities when you are pushing to completely open the economy for your own election campaign, who wants to be reminded COVID is still killing Americans
Trump took over the public face of Corona and the task force. He used it for a Trump rally. He finally had to realize that his Trumpian speil that works of the conned failed on the general population and it was losing points. So he shut it down. He does not want those doctors telling people the truth. So instead of having the qualified do their jobs, he shut it down, hiding them from the public.
Just Trump being Trump.