What happened to Tinkerpeach?

Finding out that Alaskan's dont think much of women from the lower 48 telling them what to do is certainly a Mind Fuck.
She hasn't posted all week.

Or the week before that, or the week before that , or…since last November.

anonymoose is right- I checked. I admit I hadn't noticed, as we don't always post in the same threads. As Tinkerpeach's only official JPP friend, I decided to send her a private message and ask her how things are going. Unless she tells me not to report back, I'll let people here know if she responds.
She hasn't posted all week.

As you may have noticed, she started posting again on April 14th. I hadn't noticed as I wasn't in the threads she posted in, but she responded to the message I sent her back in March asking how she was doing and told me that she's doing very good :-)