What Happens If It Is A Tattoo?


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I suppose a Democrat cop could order you to cover up a tattoo.

Burning the American flag is free speech. So can anyone tell me why wearing a hat is not freedom of speech.



From what our team can tell in the video, it looks to be a voting location. There are laws against campaigning at the polls. We don’t necessarily agree with those laws, but they have been implemented by both Democrats and Republicans.

The law states that a poll worker is supposed to tell you to take the hat off.

Cop Threatens American Patriot That He Will Arrest Him If He Wears His MAGA Hat (Video)
By Mack Cogburn
September 3, 2021


p.s. Those so inclined can put a temporary tattoo on their forehead or cheek. The polls will close long before it washes off.

Most temporary tattoos will last a week or so before cracking and rubbing off bit by bit.
