What humorless broads



This is just more evidence of how dedicated to killing unborn babies the abortion establishment is. Of course they are against anything that shows an unborn baby as it truly is which is a human being. They want people to see it as a "clump of cells" so that they can further their murderous ways.

I mean come on. It is clear that this is a baby almost at full term as evidenced by the OB saying "won't be long now" and the image of the baby. This says more about the abortion establishment than it does about the commercial

And then of course bitching about the Snickers commercial? Come on. It was one of my favorite commercials.
Their tweets read exactly as I I had a parody account and was trolling NARAL. They're "humanizing fetuses" makes them sound like Nazis, and the transphobic charge makes them sound like an SNL skit.
Yes, let's not humanize an unborn human baby because then people might catch on that killing babies is legal in this country , so long that is, as a woman says it's OK. This way men can breathe a sigh of relief at the missed bullet of responsibility as well as women.