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If Biden wins the 2024 Presidential election it will mean there was a repeat of the massive ballot fraud that took place in 2020. If he win the 2024 election legitimately it con only mean those who voted for another 4- years of radical Left/Progressive chaos and disaster were so: ignorant, stupid or ideologically brainwashed they ought not have been permitted to cast their ballots in the first place.

If Biden were to win the Nov 5th 2024 Presidential election, the SANE and REASONABLE members of the American elector ate would have only ONE option; thats : DO NOTHING AND WATCH THE UNITED STATES AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR PERMANENTLY DESTROYED OR STAGE A REBELLION/REVOLUTION TO OUST AND REPLACE THE RE-ELECTED BIDEN "JUNTA."


The "Declaration of INDEPENDENCE (1766) was essential a "TRANSCRIPTION" of several of the key political/moral principles that were the work of the 17th-century, English political philosopher, John Lock, and published in his text (the) " SECOND TREATISE on GOVERNMENT" in 1690. John Locke was one of the most brilliant of the European Enlightenment's philosophers, and is still read widely by scholars of political philosophy today.


If you read - and I mean ACTUALLY, CAREFULLY
read the first TWP PARAGRAPHS of the "Declaration of Independence" how Locke (Jefferson) justifies the peoples Right and DUTY to cast off a tyrannical Government that has failed to defend/protect the unalienable Natural Rights of the people which include the Right of every individual among the people to: LIFE; LIBERTY and ESTATE (the possession of private property) Jefferson - for some reason which remains unclear - changed "ESTATE" to "THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."

In short, I think that a popular revolution would be the only way to save America ( i.e. the liberal, Democratic, Constitutional Republic) from falling, like Rome did, in 476 AD-
should the lunatics currently running the country be given another FOUR years in off in 2025.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
People are consistent. Without fail each Presidential election people will proclaim that if the person they don’t like wins, the U.S. (and by extension world) will for all practical purposes cease to exist.

Yet here we still are as a country and here we still are posting on this board.

(And I know, this time it will be different and these predictions will come to fruition.)
If Biden wins the 2024 Presidential election it will mean there was a repeat of the massive ballot fraud that took place in 2020. If he win the 2024 election legitimately it con only mean those who voted for another 4- years of radical Left/Progressive chaos and disaster were so: ignorant, stupid or ideologically brainwashed they ought not have been permitted to cast their ballots in the first place.

If Biden were to win the Nov 5th 2024 Presidential election, the SANE and REASONABLE members of the American elector ate would have only ONE option; thats : DO NOTHING AND WATCH THE UNITED STATES AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR PERMANENTLY DESTROYED OR STAGE A REBELLION/REVOLUTION TO OUST AND REPLACE THE RE-ELECTED BIDEN "JUNTA."


The "Declaration of INDEPENDENCE (1766) was essential a "TRANSCRIPTION" of several of the key political/moral principles that were the work of the 17th-century, English political philosopher, John Lock, and published in his text (the) " SECOND TREATISE on GOVERNMENT" in 1690. John Locke was one of the most brilliant of the European Enlightenment's philosophers, and is still read widely by scholars of political philosophy today.


If you read - and I mean ACTUALLY, CAREFULLY
read the first TWP PARAGRAPHS of the "Declaration of Independence" how Locke (Jefferson) justifies the peoples Right and DUTY to cast off a tyrannical Government that has failed to defend/protect the unalienable Natural Rights of the people which include the Right of every individual among the people to: LIFE; LIBERTY and ESTATE (the possession of private property) Jefferson - for some reason which remains unclear - changed "ESTATE" to "THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS."

In short, I think that a popular revolution would be the only way to save America ( i.e. the liberal, Democratic, Constitutional Republic) from falling, like Rome did, in 476 AD-
should the lunatics currently running the country be given another FOUR years in off in 2025.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
There was no election fraud as Trump proved conclusively. People who keep saying that are lying to achieve something. Why you want America to become a dictatorship I cannot figure.
There was no election fraud as Trump proved conclusively. People who keep saying that are lying to achieve something. Why you want America to become a dictatorship I cannot figure.
Because he is a first-class asshole...just like the fat-assed blob he adores.
There was no election fraud as Trump proved conclusively. People who keep saying that are lying to achieve something. Why you want America to become a dictatorship I cannot figure.
My comment has nothing to do with the OP but I find it ironic that we talk so much about our democracy yet basically act as if the President is a dictator, that they are basically responsible for everything that happens in this country.

An outsider reading a board like this could be for forgiven for thinking the U.S. is a dictatorship based on how we speak.
THAT is what you assholes really want...a rebellion.

Joe Biden won that last presidential election...FAIR AND SQUARE...just as Trump won the 2016 election FAIR AND SQUARE.

But fat-ass Trump and his moron followers just cannot concede that victory by Joe Biden...mostly because besides being morons they also are traitors to America.

Unfortunately we are in a non-shooting war of rebellion right now...and it almost surely will get worse. I'm one of the lucky ones. At 87, I will almost certainly die before the country is destroyed completely by the disgusting right wing. I may have to live through the opening throes, though, and will have to make my exit from life knowing that I was part of the generation that ended the beautiful experiment started in 1776.

I do not know if there is a Hell or not, but if there is, I hope it is like the one Dante envisioned in his Inferno and that every American conservative gets a place in the lowest ring. You people suck.
Americans can trust Genocide Joe to be an asshole in their name;

The sewer rats in Hamas broke the cease fire on Oct. 7 when they slaughtered more than 1000 Israels, burning alive and beheading infants and taking hostages. Americans were killed and taken hostage.

If you can’t finish a war, don’t start a war.

Israel is finishing this war, as we speak.
THAT is what you assholes really want...a rebellion.

Joe Biden won that last presidential election...FAIR AND SQUARE...just as Trump won the 2016 election FAIR AND SQUARE.

But fat-ass Trump and his moron followers just cannot concede that victory by Joe Biden...mostly because besides being morons they also are traitors to America.

Unfortunately we are in a non-shooting war of rebellion right now...and it almost surely will get worse. I'm one of the lucky ones. At 87, I will almost certainly die before the country is destroyed completely by the disgusting right wing. I may have to live through the opening throes, though, and will have to make my exit from life knowing that I was part of the generation that ended the beautiful experiment started in 1776.

I do not know if there is a Hell or not, but if there is, I hope it is like the one Dante envisioned in his Inferno and that every American conservative gets a place in the lowest ring. You people suck.
Errrm Ross...

The great American experiment was designed by the Foundrs They were all devotees of John Locke. That means the Founders /the "Declaration of Independence",/the original "US Constitution", etc; were HEAVILY INFLUENCE by John Locke's political philosophy (that was grounded on his Puritan Christian faith. John Locke was the 17th-century Father of CLASSICAL LIBERALISM which is - by today's standards - a VERY CONSERVATIVE political creed.

America advanced and prospered in a way no nation on Earth ever had up until the poison seeds of Leftist/Progressive ideology were sown by the Democrats in the 1960s.

Take a look around you today in 2024, and see the "bitter harvest."

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM.... Dachshund Lives Matter
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Because he is a first-class asshole...just like the fat-assed blob he adores.
If you're calling me an ASS-HOLE, then you're also calling Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, ass-holes. They were both Conservatives - ( i.e CLASSICAL LIBERALS) - and by today's standards, they were to the right of Donald Trump.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
If you're calling me an ASS-HOLE, then you're also calling Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, ass-holes. They were both Conservatives - ( i.e CLASSICAL LIBERALS) - and by today's standards, they were to the right of Donald Trump.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
You are a fascist.
You are a fascist.
You are a modern-era leftie/Progressive Globalist - that's far worse than being a "fascist" (which I am not in any case). I am a Conservative like Ronald Reagan was, or like Benjamin Disraeli was in Britain.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM - Dachshund Lives Matter !!
You are a modern-era leftie/Progressive Globalist - that's far worse than being a "fascist" (which I am not in any case). I am a Conservative like Ronald Reagan was, or like Benjamin Disraeli was in Britain.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM - Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Right was a right wing extremist. A precursor to Trump.

What do you think would happen in America if the Souther Border was keep wide open - (in the manner it currently is) - for the next 10 years ?
Errrm Ross...

The great American experiment was designed by the Foundrs They were all devotees of John Locke. That means the Founders /the "Declaration of Independence",/the original "US Constitution", etc; were HEAVILY INFLUENCE by John Locke's political philosophy (that was grounded on his Puritan Christian faith. John Locke was the 17th-century Father of CLASSICAL LIBERALISM which is - by today's standards - a VERY CONSERVATIVE political creed.

America advanced and prospered in a way no nation on Earth ever had up until the poison seeds of Leftist/Progressive ideology were sown by the Democrats in the 1960s.

Take a look around you today in 2024, and see the "bitter harvest."

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM.... Dachshund Lives Matter
The experiment started during Revolutionary times...and the people who started it...would shit on the MAGA morons of today.

As for looking at 2024...I am delighted to be living in the country with the most robust and growing economy of any country in the world.

You see a "bitter harvest" mostly because you are one of the MAGA morons...and that is what your Fuhrer is ordering you to see.

You are a shit stain on our Republic.
If you're calling me an ASS-HOLE, then you're also calling Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, ass-holes. They were both Conservatives - ( i.e CLASSICAL LIBERALS) - and by today's standards, they were to the right of Donald Trump.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
You are so full of shit, you must smell just like your hero does...and he apparently smells like a shit heap.
My comment has nothing to do with the OP but I find it ironic that we talk so much about our democracy yet basically act as if the President is a dictator, that they are basically responsible for everything that happens in this country.

An outsider reading a board like this could be for forgiven for thinking the U.S. is a dictatorship based on how we speak.
Well you have a point, however, I don’t see 2024 falling into the same trend, the forces that attempted to stop the historical transfer of power in 2020 will still be around in 2024 except this time with four years of preparation

And what makes it scary, different, is that if Trump loses, no way in hell is he going to accept defeat, he can’t, not only because of his ego, but also because he would then face the three legal cases. If he wins, his agenda will dramatically change America, with no one stop him, literally no one, he will do whatever he wants

What do you think would happen in America if the Souther Border was keep wide open - (in the manner it currently is) - for the next 10 years ?
The county will continue on and with those pimping the border becoming antiquated and an bipartisan approach will be found

Ever since Obama got elected, and for obvious reasons, we have been hearing of the right’s predicted border armageddon, the apocalypse due to immigration, and over a decade later, this promised cataclysm has yet to occur, well, unless you watch Fox
The county will continue on and with those pimping the border becoming antiquated and an bipartisan approach will be found

Ever since Obama got elected, and for obvious reasons, we have been hearing of the right’s predicted border armageddon, the apocalypse due to immigration, and over a decade later, this promised cataclysm has yet to occur, well, unless you watch Fox
Texas border crossings are down over 50% the last three months. A customs official was charged with allowing drugs and immigrants to cross the border at his checkpoint ($17,000) per vechicle. Money was spend on vehicles, motorcycles, jewelry, and a Tiajuana strip club.