APP - What if MS13 uses too much water?


I know that California doesn't care if killers/rapists/drug dealers pour into their state terrorizing its citizens, but what if these same folks use too much water? Will that get them in trouble?

You have to love the totalitarianism California is putting on its citizens and sadly they accept it

The new rules will be 55 gallons per person per day. That sounds like a lot of water, but it really isn't

According to this site the average person uses 80-100 gallons of water a day. That means California is trying to reduce your water consumption by 31-45%. That is YUGE!!!!

One bath uses 36 gallons
8 minute shower uses 40 gallons
Brushing teeth twice a day uses 4 gallons
Washing hands 1 gallon x number of times using restroom
Dishwasher uses 6-16 gallons
Clothes washer 25 gallons per load

The interesting thing is how California will "enforce" this

So to review. MS13 is OK. Using water is not

California is leading the way folks
There could be a connection.

Al Gore has a huge mansion in California, you know.

Do you think state officials will monitor his water use?

That does seem fairly extravagant for a man of the people doesn't it? I suspect that this building has a rather large carbon footprint. It looks like climate alarmism pays handsomely doesn't it?
That does seem fairly extravagant for a man of the people doesn't it? I suspect that this building has a rather large carbon footprint. It looks like climate alarmism pays handsomely doesn't it?

It has 9 bathrooms and a pool. Lots of water use potential.

It's close to the coast. I guess the sea isn't rising that much.