APP - What if Russia calls Mueller's bluff?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Another bogus indictment came down this week of 12 individuals. No new information was learned.

Remember when Mueller indicted three companies to "show" that he was doing something? The conventional wisdom was that they would never show up for trial and Mueller thought that, but the Democrat Media Industrial Complex used it as a pretext to try to make collusion accusations stick to Trump.

But, those companies threw a wrench in the special counsels gears by showing up to face its indictment. They sent Mueller scrambling.

Now what if some or all of these individuals do the same thing? What will Mueller do then? Because if they show up to face their charges that means they get discovery and Mueller has to show them what they have. What if Russia uses it as a means to learn our intelligence techniques (which they probably already know).

This could end up being very embarrassing for Robert Mueller and the deep state and I hope and pray that it is. I want the entire DOJ/FBI dismantled
Another bogus indictment came down this week of 12 individuals. No new information was learned.

Remember when Mueller indicted three companies to "show" that he was doing something? The conventional wisdom was that they would never show up for trial and Mueller thought that, but the Democrat Media Industrial Complex used it as a pretext to try to make collusion accusations stick to Trump.

But, those companies threw a wrench in the special counsels gears by showing up to face its indictment. They sent Mueller scrambling.

Now what if some or all of these individuals do the same thing? What will Mueller do then? Because if they show up to face their charges that means they get discovery and Mueller has to show them what they have. What if Russia uses it as a means to learn our intelligence techniques (which they probably already know).

This could end up being very embarrassing for Robert Mueller and the deep state and I hope and pray that it is. I want the entire DOJ/FBI dismantled

It's time to clean house, starting with Jeff Sessions?
Remember when Mueller indicted three companies to "show" that he was doing something? ... But, those companies threw a wrench in the special counsels gears by showing up to face its indictment.

The main actor in the social media campaign, Internet Research Agency, did NOT show up to answer the indictment.
Can you guess why?

Now what if some or all of these individuals do the same thing? ... What if Russia uses it as a means to learn our intelligence techniques?

You started by saying this is a "bogus indictment". If it is, what light can that shed on our intelligence techniques?
Or do you think it's bogus AND intelligence-based?
The main actor in the social media campaign, Internet Research Agency, did NOT show up to answer the indictment.
Can you guess why?

You started by saying this is a "bogus indictment". If it is, what light can that shed on our intelligence techniques?
Or do you think it's bogus AND intelligence-based?

I am saying that it is bogus in the sense that Mueller is betting they will never show up. But, that is the same bet he made on his first "Russian indictment" and it blew up in his face. Now he is trying to delay and stall because he knows it is bogus.

It was nothing more than to frame a new narrative.
It's time to clean house, starting with Jeff Sessions?

I still don't know what to make of Sessions.

Is he a dupe?
Does the Deep State have something on him?
Or is he quietly working behind the scenes on things none of us know about?

I hope is the latter