what if Russia helps Bernie this time?

is that OK?

what if Russia helps Bernie this time?

They helped Bernie and Jill Stein in 2016. They wanted to hurt Clinton.

Shane, Scott; Mazzetti, Mark (February 16, 2018). "Inside a 3-Year Russian Campaign to Influence U.S. Voters". The New York Times
They will be helping Trump again. They are in lots of businesses together.
Trump refused to testify, so that saved him. But the house will not be so easy to push around. Trump is already in trouble for robbing his foundation. The Trumps looting the inauguration donations are another easy case. There are strings of crimes these people committed that cannot be covered up so well.
then you get to choose between Bernie and Trump........or piss and moan about the lack of a viable third party for another four years........
Russia wants to hurt America, ruin NATO and bust up allies America has had. Trump fulfilled those needs very well. Bernie would not.
Get over yourselves! Hillary lost. Fix the the party if you don't want another Trump term.

Maybe a 2 year investigation should be conducted to prove that Russia helped Bernie and Stein lose. :palm: