APP - What if the conventional wisdom is wrong?


Former Vice President
Yeah, I hear all of the caterwauling and hand wringing from paragons of virtue like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I apparently wasn't aware that men don't ever talk like that in private. So the conventional wisdom is that Trump has now officially lost the election. The only thing left is Crooked ILLary picking out the drapes and putting together her transition team. Noted psychics Chuck Todd and Jarod tell us this is so.

But, what if they are wrong? What if despite all of these attacks, Trump still wins in November? I am not saying he will. I have always known that the establishment would do anything and everything to keep it from happening. They have too much to lose.

But what happens if he does win? Where are all of those courageous republicans then? From what I can tell the only "courageous" republicans running for the tall grass are those who never supported Trump to begin with and came along grudgingly to try to hedge their bets. But, now that they think he is toast, they feel they can finally tell us their true feelings.

There is still a month to go. This could backfire in one sense. Everyone knows that Crooked ILLary could never win this thing on her own merits. Whoever she faced was going to face a barrage of attacks that would be unprecedented in modern politics. There isn't this groundswell out there running to support her. Now that they think they have it in the bag, do they have to worry about complacency? Will these voters who weren't too enthused to begin with say to themselves "Trump is toast, there is no need for me to vote"?

Oh, I know what the partisan lefties on JPP will say "No way". But, I have not been shown any anecdotal proof that there is this groundswell of support the way there was for Obama, or Bernie or there is for Trump. She just doesn't have it. They point to the polls and traditional metrics of politics like her "ground game" and "all of her money"

But, what if this year is truly different? It has been so far.