APP - What if there were a shutdown but nobody really cared?

Possibly for the first time in their lives, (and certainly since Watergate) most Americans don't feel patriotic. Most Americans feel, for the first time in their lives,
that the United States of America is no better than a banana republic, with a leader thoroughly and irredeemably corrupt, brazenly
lying in the face of its people. Most Americans hate Trumps fucking guts and wish he would die flat out today. That's a fact.

I edited the insult because it seems this thread was moved to APP...not sure

I don't think the "choke and starve the beast" faction of the right is very strong.
It's understood "fake austerity" Republicans who want the government to disappear altogether use a corporate
budget model to attack it, but many Republicans are realists and if the choice is deficits or
shutting the government down, they will run a deficit and finance it. That's proven.
Democrats didn't create 20 trillion in spending, Republicans and Democrats went arm in arm down that road.
I sure hope we have a long, long shutdown coming up really soon. I want to see it shutdown for years. Shutdown welfare, food stamps, and subsidized housing till everybody figures out how to provide for themselves.
I sure hope we have a long, long shutdown coming up really soon. I want to see it shutdown for years. Shutdown welfare, food stamps, and subsidized housing till everybody figures out how to provide for themselves.

I don't think a shut down is the way to go. For one, we know how the media is going to play it. Secondly, there are too many weak hands in the republican party of failure that doesn't know how to win. They will cave.

I think his best bet is to use the powers afforded him by Congress that has already authorized money. He doesn't need to declare a state of emergency. While I understand the sentiment, I am not a big fan of setting a precedent where a President is spending money that Congress has not authorized. I think that is something he would lose in court.

But, as I have already posted in APP, there are laws on the books that would allow him to build the wall using existing law and funds. And there is nothing the democrat party or open borders crowd in the GOP could do to stop it. It wouldn't even hold up in court.

All President Trump has to do is declare the southern border a traffic route for illegal drugs and POOF he can use the military to build a wall. Simple as that.
I don't think a shut down is the way to go. For one, we know how the media is going to play it. Secondly, there are too many weak hands in the republican party of failure that doesn't know how to win. They will cave.

I think his best bet is to use the powers afforded him by Congress that has already authorized money. He doesn't need to declare a state of emergency. While I understand the sentiment, I am not a big fan of setting a precedent where a President is spending money that Congress has not authorized. I think that is something he would lose in court.

But, as I have already posted in APP, there are laws on the books that would allow him to build the wall using existing law and funds. And there is nothing the democrat party or open borders crowd in the GOP could do to stop it. It wouldn't even hold up in court.

All President Trump has to do is declare the southern border a traffic route for illegal drugs and POOF he can use the military to build a wall. Simple as that.

I agree that a shutdown is not the best way to play this particular situation, but I will always fantasize about multi year shutdowns the way lefties fantasize about Trump being arrested. I doubt I will ever see the shutdowns that I dream of, and I doubt that I will ever have an opportunity to use a big hammer to smash computers that calculate and disperse welfare, food stamps, and subsidized housing benefits. It is always fun to dream about though...
I agree that a shutdown is not the best way to play this particular situation, but I will always fantasize about multi year shutdowns the way lefties fantasize about Trump being arrested. I doubt I will ever see the shutdowns that I dream of, and I doubt that I will ever have an opportunity to use a big hammer to smash computers that calculate and disperse welfare, food stamps, and subsidized housing benefits. It is always fun to dream about though...

I share your dream

I dream of a day where the IRS, FDA, Dept of Education, Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Interior, Dept of Labor, Commerce Dept, FBI, CIA are all eliminated and the building razed to the ground