What if they had an election and no one came ?


Villified User
Voting for less than satisfactory candidates is playing the game we are led to play. But if virtually no one showed up to vote in November....
Too many people have convinced themselves that there is a significant difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Then Cynthia "Superstar" McKinney would win, because I'd be the only voter and I'd write her in.
Too many people have convinced themselves that there is a significant difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Because we have been alive long enough to see the differance.

You were like 12 when they dems had any control.

You know, I don't really even think it would matter if Obama or McCain won.

Why do I love that guy so much? I don't think it's based in logic.

*WM ponders*
For the next couple of years from right now it does not really matter for obama or McCain wins. But beyond that it does a little bit. Unless Obama can really rally the american public, which I doubt because or rascism.