What if we treated Confederate symbols the way we treated the defeated Nazis?

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
It would be absurd for the grandkids of Nazis to drive cars with swastika bumper stickers. Yet something similar happens in the US all the time

Earlier this month, amid America’s confrontation with its racist legacy – which has seen monuments to Jefferson Davis toppled, the Mississippi state flag lowered, Gone With the Wind pulled from HBO’s streaming service, and music groups such as Lady Antebellum and the Dixie Chicks rebranding in an effort to distance themselves from memory of the Confederacy – I came across a tweet that put these headline-grabbing goings-on, and the backlash to them, in perspective: “Trying to imagine a version of WW2 where the Nazis just get pushed into Bavaria and surrender, but keep the swastika on the state flag, slap it on their cars and say stuff like ‘The Third Reich is my heritage.’”

In Germany, you won’t hear debates about Nazi statues. As the moral philosopher Susan Neiman, author of Learning from the Germans: Race and the Memory of Evil, notes, there’s a good reason for that: there aren’t any Nazi statues. The program of denazification began almost immediately after the second world war, established as one of “Four Ds” (along with demilitarization, decentralization and democratization) outlined in the Potsdam agreement of 1945. An Allied order in 1946 declared illegal “any monument, memorial, poster, statue, edifice, street or highway name marker, emblem, tablet, or insignia which tends to preserve and keep alive the German military tradition, to revive militarism or to commemorate the Nazi Party”.

When you destroy history it repeats itself .......
They think their "destroying" history....but they're not.
Remove the statues, flags, symbols, change names....but the history remains the same. They should focus on removing the hate from their hearts...now that would benefit the country:);)
What the article fails to mention is that Germany removed most of its Nazi statues and put them in parks and museums in order to provide a full context for them. They didn't resort to having extremists vandalize and tear them down.

What's currently going on in America has far less in common with Germany's denazification and a lot more in common with how ISIS destroyed many pre-Islamic monuments in the Middle East.

And it's clear that the extremists are willing to tear down and vandalize pre-Confederate figures as well -- like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
Nazism is pretty dead, it seems to me, whereas Southern racism is alive and murdering. Execute the criminals and leave them no memorials: the history is always there. Why preserve later propaganda?