What if?


Junior Member
What if it really does come down to Hillary Clinton vs. McCain?

What if it really comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gulliani?

What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Senator Brownback?

What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Duncan Hunter?

What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gingrich?

What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Hagel?

What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Romney?

I am just wondering who you would choose at this point in the game if it were one of the above scenarios?

You are certain that its going to be Hillary? If this is the case .. I am certain that I would select Hagel..the rest Im not so certain.
No, no I am NOT certain Klaatu..... I am just "feeling" the situation out!

And for me, because of the astounding courage that Hagel has been showing, he would be my only republican choice out of the above, and Hillary would be picked by me at this point, vs. everyone else.
Goiong through the list of Pubs ...

Brownback and Hunter..its a question of getting familiar with each..

Newt ...as much as I like Newt and I think he is one of the few real big game Geopolitical Intelects in DC... I see him as divisive as I see Hillary. He would be a great addition to an Adminstration in some capacity.. Dem or repub.

Rudy... Steven Forbes recent endorsement raised my eyebrows ... but I have issues with Rudy's well known temperment or lack there of ... Im not sure it fits the Presidency.

Romney... the guy rubs me the wrong way... I simply see a plastic canddiate.. I dont like that.
I'm for Hillary vs any repub
or Obaman/edwards for that matter

Yes, but, she might not be electable. Have you seen the latest Time Poll? Now, I agree before anyone says anything, that it's virtually meaningless at this time. They have her running against McCain (she loses) and against Rudy (again, she loses).

Personally, I do not believe that either McCain or Rudy will be the Republican nominee. That's why the poll might very well be meaningless. But in a time where Republicans themselves are afraid to use the word "Republican" when people calling themselves "Democrats" has shot up, when poll after poll has been showing that on the issues, strong majorities are with the dems (again, can be meaningless since exit polling shows that voters often vote for the candidate that holds the exact opposite position that they themselves hold, indicating that 1)they are voting on gut issues, like fear and/or 2)they have no freaking clue what the actual positions of the candidates they are voting for are), the fact that Hillary is losing so badly in this poll and others like it, is cause for concern.

And if she gets the nomination it will be people like you who give it to her. Because you're afraid that anyone more liberal on economic policy is a "turbo lib" completely clueless to the fact that Americans are feeling left out by this economy. And that, is an advantage for the right progressive.
Yes, but, she might not be electable. Have you seen the latest Time Poll? Now, I agree before anyone says anything, that it's virtually meaningless at this time. They have her running against McCain (she loses) and against Rudy (again, she loses).

Personally, I do not believe that either McCain or Rudy will be the Republican nominee. That's why the poll might very well be meaningless. But in a time where Republicans themselves are afraid to use the word "Republican" when people calling themselves "Democrats" has shot up, when poll after poll has been showing that on the issues, strong majorities are with the dems (again, can be meaningless since exit polling shows that voters often vote for the candidate that holds the exact opposite position that they themselves hold, indicating that 1)they are voting on gut issues, like fear and/or 2)they have no freaking clue what the actual positions of the candidates they are voting for are), the fact that Hillary is losing so badly in this poll and others like it, is cause for concern.

And if she gets the nomination it will be people like you who give it to her. Because you're afraid that anyone more liberal on economic policy is a "turbo lib" completely clueless to the fact that Americans are feeling left out by this economy. And that, is an advantage for the right progressive.

I agree ... I dont think McCain or Rudy makes it ... something tells me its going to be Romney...and that will guarantee a Democratic Victory. Now... I have my doubts about Hillary going all the way...
The Dems have a couple of sideliners that could still step in a fire things up... but that may happen only if the present front runners continue to poll badly in the General. I hope Richardsons numbers continue to improve ...it will make a difference.
I agree ... I dont think McCain or Rudy makes it ... something tells me its going to be Romney...and that will guarantee a Democratic Victory. Now... I have my doubts about Hillary going all the way...
The Dems have a couple of sideliners that could still step in a fire things up... but that may happen only if the present front runners continue to poll badly in the General. I hope Richardsons numbers continue to improve ...it will make a difference.

Why do you think that Romney can't win? I don't know much about him, so I can't say. Do you think his nomination would keep the religious right home on election day, and that would automatically throw the elections to the dems?

Yes, Gore. I know. I keep dreaming. And I am checking Richardson out. But I do like Edwards. Just have to see how he does as the campaign heats up.
Romney ? Well most "Christians" don't believe the second coming of Christ will be in Missouri for one thing....
Why do you think that Romney can't win? I don't know much about him, so I can't say. Do you think his nomination would keep the religious right home on election day, and that would automatically throw the elections to the dems?

Yes, Gore. I know. I keep dreaming. And I am checking Richardson out. But I do like Edwards. Just have to see how he does as the campaign heats up.

Big Love Romney? Do I need to say more? Evangelicals view Mormonism as a Cult. No... I dont believe they stay home.. interestingly enough... there is a shift going on within the ranks of the Christian America... much like what happen before the 1976 election.. more and more are beginning to identify themselves as Democrats or Independents. Why? Because of the War. True Christians should identify with pacifism if they truly want to walk in the footsteps of Christ... this message is resonating within the Churches.
Big Love Romney? Do I need to say more? Evangelicals view Mormonism as a Cult. No... I dont believe they stay home.. interestingly enough... there is a shift going on within the ranks of the Christian America... much like what happen before the 1976 election.. more and more are beginning to identify themselves as Democrats or Independents. Why? Because of the War. True Christians should identify with pacifism if they truly want to walk in the footsteps of Christ... this message is resonating within the Churches.

Well, I don't go to church. I guess you are shocked by that. So I will take your word for it, and if that is the case, that would be some change and could redraw the entire political landscape. That would really be something. If they are preaching that, maybe I would pop into church again.
"What if it really does come down to Hillary Clinton vs. McCain?"

McCain gets my vote.

"What if it really comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gulliani?"

Rudy gets my vote.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Senator Brownback?"

I would probably go on a rampage cursing and swearing that the two parties put up such pathetic candidates, then I would vote for a third party or abstain.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Duncan Hunter?"

Not familiar with Duncan Hunter????

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gingrich?"

See brownback.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Hagel?"

Hagel hands down.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Romney?"

Romney would get my vote.
"What if it really does come down to Hillary Clinton vs. McCain?"

McCain gets my vote.

"What if it really comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gulliani?"

Rudy gets my vote.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Senator Brownback?"

I would probably go on a rampage cursing and swearing that the two parties put up such pathetic candidates, then I would vote for a third party or abstain.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Duncan Hunter?"

Not familiar with Duncan Hunter????

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gingrich?"

See brownback.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Hagel?"

Hagel hands down.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Romney?"

Romney would get my vote.

Do you support the Iraqi war?
"What if it really does come down to Hillary Clinton vs. McCain?"

I would reluctantly vote for McCain

"What if it really comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gulliani?"

I wouldn't vote or would vote 3rd party

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Senator Brownback?"

I would vote for Brownback

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Duncan Hunter?"

I don't know anything about Hunter at the present.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gingrich?"

I would not vote or would vote 3rd party

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Hagel?"

I would vote for Hagel

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Romney?"

I would vote for Romney.......out of the repubs, he is my favorite at this time.
"What if it really does come down to Hillary Clinton vs. McCain?"

I would reluctantly vote for McCain

"What if it really comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gulliani?"

I wouldn't vote or would vote 3rd party

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Senator Brownback?"

I would vote for Brownback

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Duncan Hunter?"

I don't know anything about Hunter at the present.

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Gingrich?"

I would not vote or would vote 3rd party

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Hagel?"

I would vote for Hagel

"What if it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. Romney?"

I would vote for Romney.......out of the repubs, he is my favorite at this time.

Are there any democrats you would vote for?
darla.... this is simply my opinion...

1) Yes, I think going in was inevitable. The sanctions were not working. The UN was ineffective for 12 years. I think that would have continued.

2) That said.... the timing of the war was wrong. We should have stabilized Afghanistan with overwhelming force and hunted Bin Laden down first. Second, the planning of the war was horrible. We never should have disbanded the Iraqi army. Our exit strategy was also poorly planned. Bottom line, Bush screwed the pooch. I don't think that makes going in the wrong decision, but the timing and handling of the war were mistakes.